Chapter 13: Adding one to the table

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Scorpius's POV

Today was Christmas, and that meant spending the entire day with my Rosie's family, dad, and aunt Daphne. Waking up, I looked at Rose for a moment: she was so graceful, even when she was sleeping. I chuckled and got out of the bed, heading to the bathroom. A few minutes later, after shaving my lovely beard, Rose woke up, and yawned, walking to me. 

- "Good morning Rosie-Posey, how did you feel after all the popcorn you ate?" I said, kissing her forehead.

- "Well, not too bad. ? How about you Mr. Malfoy?"

- "I'm perfectly perfect, because I am too excited to get my Weasley Christmas sweater!" I scram, out of joy. "Merry Christmas, Rose."

- "Merry Christmas Scorpius. " she said, pecking me on my lips. "I've got a good surprise for you, but I guess you'll just have to wait until we're all around the table!" 

- "Not fair Malfoy!" I added, laughing. We headed down to the kitchen and sat down on the dining table, and our lovely house-elf, Lola, gave us some toast and ham. We ate our breakfast fast, and decided to go gift-shopping, even if we have already done it, just for the big family. But this time, it was just for ourselves. We quickly put on our coats and , and went shopping into muggle London, in Oxford Street. It was more than crowded, student choirs singing everywhere. Rose did know this place by heart, since she was put in a muggle school before boarding to Hogwarts.

- "Where do you want to start, darling?" she asked.

- "Where you want to, wifey!!" I answered. She touched my nose with her soft finger, and smirked. We were walking down the street, and I spotted a jewelry store: perfect. 

- "Scorp, not a jewelry store, you know how much I hate jewelry!"

- "Hey, I'm only buying you a beautiful necklace, you don't have one!" 

- "Ok, only if I choose what you will buy to me! Deal?" 

- "You're on it, Weasley!" I said, and we got into the store, and found an elderly woman, admiring the carnaval outside.

- "Merry Christmas, lovebirds. How can I help you?"she said, smiling warmly. We greeted her, and we made the store's tour. Many beautiful necklaces, ring and earrings were displayed, but Rose has always been a very selective person. I'm glad she married me by the end. Rose sat on one of the chairs, when she spotted a ring. It was a gold ring, with little ruby and emerald stones encrusted all over. It was a chimaera: the ring had the head of a lion and the body of a snake. It was very original, and Rose liked it.  

- "It looks fabulous on you mrs.?"

- "Weasley-Malfoy. Rose Weasley Malfoy."

- "Ohh. You're the daughter of Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger!" she asked..

- "Yes, indeed. Are you a witch?

- "Yes, but as you could see, living in the wizarding world isn't a good idea when your husband is a Muggle. But he got it eventually." she answered. "You're indeed married to Scorpius Malfoy, very brave, I can tell."

- "She chose the finest men on Earth!" I said. We all laughed. "I mean, it's true, you do have some good taste, I can surely see it with the ring.

-" In which house were you in?"I asked."Guess!"she said. "Ravenclaw!"I said, looking at her navy, blue dress. 

Coincidence: a Scorose/Rosius fanfcitionWhere stories live. Discover now