Chapter 8: Reasons to love him

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Weeks passed, and my feelings towards Scorpius became stronger. It was bothering me and amusing me in the same time! I can't help it but look at him and imagine ourselves married, or naming our kids... This had to end. Belquis came in the dormitory, crying. I stood and sat next to her, asking what happened. She told me that she saw Joseph snogging another girl, who was none other than that brat Macmillan!! She told me that she went to him and slapped him, making him fall down, and pushed her. I felt sorry for her.

- "And you? How is it going with lover boy?" she said, erasing her tears and forcing herself to smile for me.

- "I have no absolute idea who you're talking about." I said, looking into her eyes. How could she possibly know?

- "Rose Granger-Weasley, you are the most predictable girl! I didn't need to say his name, and you already think about Scorpius.!" Damn it, she was right...

- "Fine, you win." I said, looking to her, blushing red scarlet. She truly knew me by heart, as well as I did. She really is a Salem.

- "I can't stop thinking about him. It makes me feel weird. We are only friends, and in a shift of a night, I can't look properly into his eyes without blushing! I can't love him, it will ruin our friendship, that I value very much!" I said, relieving all my emotions.

- "Rose, you can't say that he's cute or sexy" she said, watching me blushing "It was obvious for me to see you blushing. You haven't got a crush; you're clearly heads over heels in love with him. And scared about that you'll may ruin everything with him! I do know this..." she said, going down to raise my face, covered with tears. Belquis was really helping, thank god I had her. We stayed silent for a minute, then she stood up:

- "You need to do something." She said, looking rather amused.

- "What do you mean?" I asked, confused.

- "Ask out your future husband to the ball, Rose !" she told me, winking. I smirked mischievously and stood up. I walked to the Great Hall, and went straight to the Slytherin table and saw Scorpius talking with Al. I breathed steadily and went to sit next to them.

- "My dear fiancée, how are you?" Scorpius said, smirking flirtatiously.

- "I'm fine, how about both of you?" I asked, smiling.

- "Good." They said in unison.

- "Zabini's a total jerk."

- "Adam dueled him, and Jasmine slapped him. I saw it, he doesn't deserve her. It was a mistake." Said Al, finishing lollipop

- "Mistakes are part of humans, Al. We need to make them in order to not make them again." said Scorp, gesturing with his hands. I nodded, agreeing with his words. Albus stood up and told us that he was going to go talk to Jo. I told him good luck, and he went running as fast as a stag. I looked at Scorpius and he looked at me with the 'Malfoy smirk' that made many girls anxious, and got me jealous!

- "Let's go to the courtyard." He said. I asked why and he responded that everybody was staring at us, that made him uncomfortable. We ran holding hands, which made me quite uncomfortable. We sat down, admiring the sunset. I asked him if I could lay on his knees. He agreed and smiled again!

- "Still haven't found a date, have you Scorpion King?" I asked, cheerfully.

- "No. How about you?"

- "Same. I wonder if we could go together..." I said, trying not to blush.

- "As your date, or best friend?" he said, smirking.

- "As a date." I said, looking at him like I was challenging him.

- "Okay, Granger-Weasley. Pick you at 7 next to the Gryffindor common room, in two days?"

- "Perfect!" I said, smiling. I had done it. We stayed like so until Al came back, running crazy fast. We laughed at him and went together in the Great Hall all of us together. I found Belquis sitting at the Gryffindor table, next to her was Adam and Jasmine. I smiled at him, he nodded as I sat down. Belquis wasn't in her best mood. I kissed her forehead and we started eating. Adam's left eye was swollen. He told me that Joseph punched him in the eye after he insulted his sister. Miss Salem came to the table; she already knew what happened to her daughter. She told her to take a walk with her. My friend stood up and nearly fell down. I was disgusted by Zabini. Everybody in the Great hall knew what happened, since that brat told everybody everything. I spoke with Adam and Jasmine about the Ball, and they told me that Belquis wasn't coming. I responded, telling them that if they wanted her to feel better, then, bring her and dance together as beautiful siblings and have fun and eat! Jasmine looked at me, then her brother, and he nodded, agreeing on my words. I went out of the Great Hall, and saw Justin Highland, a Hufflepuff of our year, walk in my direction.

- "Hey Rose. Nice to see you." He said.

- "Hey Justin. What's up?"

- "Nothing. I just wanted to ask you if Belquis was coming to the ball after what happened?". Now, I understand. He told in my second year that he had a little crush on Bel. How cute.

- "Well normally yes. I can bring you into the Common Room to ask her."

- "That would very nice of you." He said, smiling. We walked for 10 minutes before reaching the common room. I went inside and found Bel and her mum, laughing and smiling. I went to them, excused myself for interrupting the conversation and told her everything. Belquis looked at her mum, and she moved her head up and down, saying yes. She ran out and we waited for her. When she came back, she had a huge smile on her face. I didn't need to ask why.    

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