Chapter 10: The Wedding

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Today, we were the 31st of July. A very special date, because today, uncle Charlie is getting married to miss Salem or should I say, auntie Nada. People in the Burrow were running everywhere, looking for things, preparing the tables, etc. They stayed pretty much the whole summer with us, and Scorpius visiting us every time he could. All of my cousins threatened him, but he seemed cool about it, contrary to what I thought. I was wearing a pink fluffy dress, the same as Bel and Jasmine. In granny's room, Mum, Fleur, Angelina and Ginny were preparing her: we could hear them from the living room. Uncle Charlie was also preparing himself, along with my uncles. Albus and I were in charge with the girls, to welcome all the guests. We didn't want a lot of people in the wedding, only family and close friends: turns out that we invited more than a hundred people! Including aunt Nada's six brothers and one sister, along with their children, the teachers at Hogwarts and uncle Charlie's work colleagues! I was outside, and the sun was here, ready to heat our heads.

Evelynne, with her parents and two brothers, Jacques et Anthony were here. They were two and one years older than her, living in magic London, brilliant curse-breakers, both Hufflepuff, and Jacques already fiancéed. Evelynne was wearing a short yellow dress, which suited her dew to her red hair. Albus welcomed the family and showed them their seats. I was getting impatient, as Scorpius didn't come and decided to go check on the groom: running upstairs, I knocked onto the door, and saw a stressed uncle checking his phone every two seconds and uncle Bill, who is uncle Charlie's best man, with dad, telling him two calm down. I went to him, and he asked if people started to come.

- "Yeah. Many.". "Okay, I'm scared."

- "Of what ?" I asked.

- "Maybe she doesn't want to marry me anymore? Maybe I'll say something inappropriate in my vows, maybe she'll run away!" he said, agonizing stupidly.

- "Stop saying that. Think about her in her white gown, glowing shoes, her hair falling on her shoulders, smiling at you..." I added, smiling. I saw an immediate change of his facial expression: he was sheepishly daydreaming. I laughed with Bill and dad, and went out.

I went two levels lower, to the 3rd floor, looking for the bride. I knocked the door, and found all of my aunts and mum, running all over the room to aunt Nada: she was wearing a beautiful long corset, no shoulders, half-length sleeves, laced, mermaid dress. Her hair was put into a messy, braided, bridal bun. Her hands were shaking and her long earrings were shining to the sun's light. She was bloody beautiful. I walked to her, and told her not to stress. She smiled, thanked me and I left. I was running down the stairs when I bumped into the goofiest person: Scorpius. We laughed, and he picked me up, giving me a sweet peck on the lips.

- "How is the tension up there?" he asked

- "Both are stressing their lives. I can't understand why." I said, thinking.

- "I do understand them. They're afraid they won't be perfect to each other's eye, or mess up during the ceremony, or falling or if the other decides not to marry anymore." He added, taking my arms and pulling me into a hug.

- "You do know this subject." I said, smirking.

- "I do look forward to this very special day." He said, smiling and blushing. "Me as well." Looking straight into the eyes, leaning in closer when Albus came running, saying that we had to go welcome the guests. I groaned, which led to Scorpius and Albus's laughing, then mine too. Belquis, Adam and Jasmine were up with their mum. I heard the priest come, and aunt Nada's big brother, Jacob, run after him. Nada had five older brothers and one older sister: Lina, Jacob, Noah, Suleiman, Youssef and Amir, by order of birth, and Nada the youngest. Her parents were dead, so her brother would walk her down the aisle.

Coincidence: a Scorose/Rosius fanfcitionWhere stories live. Discover now