chapter one

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It was just a normal winter morning as sage sat in her basement placing the finishing touches on her brothers cosplay. Well the suit anyway. She still couldn't get the helm right. Slamming her fist down in frustration she growled.  At that moment the door opened to the basement and her brother came walking down . He had a sheepish look on his face as he rubbed his arm "um sis I need a favor."
Sage raised her eyebrow and sat her screwdriver down.
    At this point he stepped further down the steps allowing two people to follow behind him and her mouth dropped open. Before her stood paladin danse and and elder maxson, or two really good cosplayers . However, they looked severely uncomfortable with their surroundings until their eyes landed on the custom power armor sage was building for Jake's cosplay competition at NC comic Con. Then their eyes landed on her. They both seemed to be studying her and deciphering if she was trust worthy. At maxsons nod they both relaxed.
  Turning to her brother she spoke . Authority lacing her voice as usual "Jake, what the hell happened and why are two members of the actual brotherhood in our dimension. What.  Did." He flinched before speaking quietly "my tv stopped working and I was trying to finish up my mission. Ya know where they come to the Commonwealth after defeating Kellogg.  Well... I used the tv in dad's workshop... I didn't realize what a bad idea it was until there was a flash and these two were sprawled on the ground in front of me...." 
     Sage let her eyes settle on her brother and he froze under the silent glare. It was a common known fact that sage was very much a leader. So when she put those attributes to use she could make anyone squirm under her gaze or do her bidding. She however , didn't use them often. "Jake... Dad told you not to use anything in his shop. You know damn well he's an inventor and while yes this is a pretty big thing ... I'm incredibly disappointed in you and half tempted to put this armor on the shelf and NOT finish it for you. "
His head shot up and he looked at her in horror. "Yes they can stay down here with me BUT, you're gonna explain every little detail to dad. And pray to God he has mercy like me. " With that she nodded to him and then turned back around to the work at hand.
   Behind her she heard danse and maxson shifting and then taking the spare chairs and sitting on either side of her. Normally this would irritate her but, she realized just how curious they were. Glancing out of the corner of her eye she noticed maxson studying the paper that held all of the information about the helm build. He hmmed before glancing back at her. "I can't seem to get the light and eye dimensions right and it's frustrating the hell out of me. I have very limited resources to pull from.  So I'm doing as good as I can. " He nodded back and pulled out the eraser and pencil. He erased the eyes and the headlamp before redrawing them and perfecting the helms dimensions.
   Sage stopped fiddling with the helm and took the paper he offered and nearly facepalmed. She was off by three fucking degrees. " And now I feel like I should've paid more attention . " At his raised eyebrow she sighed " I reckon you two need an explanation of everything. " At his nod she sighed again before setting everything down and removing her goggles and work gloves. "where to begin...  Well the year is 2019.. in a different dimension than you . Our world isn't run off nuclear power..  well we do have some nuclear power plants but they merely power electricity and our cars are not run off nuclear batteries. We have not been bombed to hell by china... Yet... No apocalypse ..  yet..  ummmmm... You're both from a game ... About those things happening. ... Which alot of people who play the games like to dress up and pretend they're from that world. Like my brother for instance. He's always been a fan of the brotherhood and that's one reason why I am building this armor for him . That and it's a definite challenge and I'm to stubborn to back down from one."
  Maxson cleared his throat before speaking " so what your are telling me is. I'm no longer in the Commonwealth . And I'm stuck here until further notice. " She nodded and winced when his fist slammed down on the work bench. He paused once realising what he had done and muttered a sorry before standing and pacing the room. Danse and her merely watched.
Danse turned to her before speaking " so everything that existed in our world doesn't exist here .  " She blinked "well.. the mutations don't. Super mutants, deathclaws, mirelurks, mutated mole rats etc. " He seemed to be slightly agitated. She didn't blame them. They had been ripped from their world and tossed into one with zero idea what was going on. This was going to be a hard change for them. She honestly felt bad for them. When she looked back up she realised their eyes were on her and she raised an eyebrow "what?" The glanced at each other before looking back. "We're going to need clothes to fit in and wonder if you can show us around. " The elder said. She nodded before standing and walking to the dresser that belonged to her ex Brent. He had moved away months ago and told her he didn't want his stuff . They were pretty close to his size so she pulled out two shirts , two pairs of jeans, and unopened pack of boxers and two pairs of socks. Turning she eyed their feet and realized they were both about size twelve like her brother and sighed. "Ok here's some clothes. I'mma go grab a couple pairs of my brothers spare shoes for you both. With that she left them to dress and made her way to her brothers room. She entered and explained the situation before grabbing two pairs of his Converses and made her way back down stairs ( she was on the second story floor) to the basement door in the kitchen. They both stepped into the kitchen about that time and she nearly dropped the shoes when maxson caught her eyes. He smirked at her reaction and she fumbled to hand them the shoes before grabbing a drink from the fridge. Holy hell this was going to be an interesting time in her life.

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