chapter three

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Sage woke to movement in the next room over. Turning her eye she saw it was five am. Ugh, military people and their early mornings she thought to herself. Realizing they were likely waking up for their form of pt she sat up and groaned as her back popped.
    She had fallen asleep making new designs for another project of hers. She yawned and stretched groaning in pleasure as her back popped again. Standing she moved to grab her clothes before walking into her bathroom. She stripped down and stepped in the shower.
--time skip---

Stepping out of her room in her jogging pants and sleeved shirt she made her way downstairs where she found her father along with maxson and danse drinking coffee.  Her father paused in his talking and smiled at her . He opened his arms "Hey doodlebug!" She cringed at the nickname before allowing him to embrace her in a hug and hugged him back.  When she pulled back she nearly startled as maxson sat a full cup of coffee next to her already fixed to her liking . She raised her eyebrow and he merely nodded at her father's direction before returning to his cup of coffee.
She accepted the cup and took a sip and leaned against the counter as her father turned back to cooking and drinking his coffee. Her eyes rested on maxson again who she noted wore sweatpants and a white tank top , his biceps flexed as he pulled the cup to his mouth and he paused and looked at her with a raised eyebrow. She quickly looked away blushing and sipped her coffee again.
    Halfway through breakfast she heard her brothers clumsy stumbling from above and sighed. He never was quiet when he first woke up. It surprised her how stealthy he was when gaming. She glanced over to see danse had paused eating while he listened to the stumbling and cursing from above "it sounds like there's a deathclaw stomping around up there." He said with clear amusement. She choked on her toast before finally being able to breath again and let out a small laugh. The image in her head of her brother as a deathclaw was hilarious. She could see him hopping around on one foot trying to put his jeans on while grunting and growling. She cackled at the image before going silent as she realized three sets of amused eyes were on her. "Sorry was just imagining my brother as clumsy deathclaw. No biggy."
   She watched as both maxson and danse chuckled and her dad rolled his eyes amused. She paused noticing both danse and maxson seemed to be savoring the food and she realized this food was probably some of the best they'd ever had. No radiation and no molerat , radroach, etc.  A thought crossed he mind and she smiled "hey guys . After y'all exercise do you wanna see what mirelurks and sea life looked like before radiation?" The both paused and looked at her curiously before glancing back at each other. Maxson nodded and they all returned to eating. She looked forward to seeing their faces at the definite size difference.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2019 ⏰

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