chapter two

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Sage froze as she handed maxson another shirt to try on. Her eyes landing on the two girls from her college. She felt a groan elicit itself from throat causing maxson to glance over at the girls. Popular girls. Leave it to two attractive men such as danse and elder maxson to get their attention.
   Clara and Jane , two of the most bimbo women she'd ever met. Their dresses showed way to much cleavage and stopped mid thigh. She was sure if they so much as twitched the wrong way everyone would get an eyeful of their definite commando bottoms. She could feel her eye twitch as clara giggled and trailed he finger down the front of maxsons shirt "hey there. Why don't you two join myself and Jane . We're definitely more fun than miss calculating and antisocial here."
   She watched as maxson studier her and then his face turned into what she could deduce as disgust before he spoke "not interested. " He then turned his eyes back to sage motioned for her to continue helping him find what would suit him for her world.
    She felt bad as she and maxson walked away as danse voiced his disgust against the two girls. She heard them both complain before danse moved out of their clawed reach. He made his way over to her quickly and winced as they catcalled at him "it's like two feral ghouls .. they don't give up." His comment elicited a giggle from sage .  Maxson merely grunted before he went back to looking at the clothing. They both stood very close and she knew it'd take a while for them to loosen up and realize that this world wasn't as dangerous as theirs was.
   She wouldn't admit it but, she had been happy when maxson had waved off those girls affections. Amused when danse had as well. Clara and Jane had managed to snag one a many male friends and even managed to woo her highschool crush. The latter only being because Clara KNEW sage had liked him. Not even a week after she had dumped him and he had followed her around like a love sick puppy since.
    Imagine sages response when Clara had somehow managed to get into the same college as her. She had long since cared though. Maxson and danse moved to try on their clothes before they purchased them and she dropped the bags into the collapsible shopping cart she always carried with her at the mall. They left the store and made their way further into he mall. The two of them stayed within reaching distance of her causing her and maxsons hands to brush a couple of times.
    When it happened for the third time she blushed a deep shade of red and looked out the corner of her eyes to see him scowling at some of the people they passed. She had given up with the fight about his coat and with it being fall it made sense for him to wear it . She had gathered a couple other brotherhood jackets she had made herself for her and danse. He had been more than happy to take the orange and dark leather coat from her. Especially with it sporting the brotherhood symbol.
    She glanced over at maxson again to see him staring at her jacket with pride at the symbol etched on her shoulder. She remembered how she talked to him and expressed her love of the brotherhood and how she never could stray from joining during her playthroughs. He had chuckled and then his eyes had widened at the brotherhood items within her room. She had given both her and the guest room a fallout design and both maxson and danse had seemed very happy with the small comfort of it. She had even designed two lamps two resembled nuka cola quantum bottles and surrounded them by nuka cola caps glued at the base.
     After purchasing them both shoes that actually fit they made their way to the food court and she grinned. She bought them both a burger from the burger joint and grinned as they tore into those. Her father being an inventor as well as top scientist in the CDC made sure her and her brother never went without. Not to mention she owned a cosplay company. She made and sold her creations on Etsy where she had quickly befriended other designers and many cosplayers.  So when both and the two men before her were still hungry? She bought more burgers and fries for them and some chic-fil-a for herself. Soon they were headed home with maxson in the passenger and Dan's in the back seat nibbling on a chic-fil-a sandwich . He had asked for one after trying hers.
   It was dark by the time they all reach home and she retired to her bedroom and then to the guest. Yeah a very interesting first day with the brotherhood in her home.

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