|October 9th, 2018
"Hey, sorry for such a late entry. This journaling thing is slowly starting to feel like a diary but it's not an issue. Surprisingly, this is actually helping me some.
Today, I'm not exactly sure how I feel, or felt considering it's late while I'm writing this. I was pretty happy this morning, or at least I think it was this morning. I don't really remember. My memory is getting worse and worse and I don't know why. But, so far I have spent all of fall break watching Supernatural. It is my favorite show and the only one I watch. I have only eaten once today, but nothing new. Right now, I have a bowl of ramen in front of me. I can't seem to eat it though. It physically hurts me.
I think I'm fine right now. I just remembered too, I have been having this feeling of fear all day and I can't seem to pinpoint where it's coming from. But, it doesn't seem to leave. My stomach would drop, my hear would pound, and I would start sweating. It was fear. Pure fear. But for what? I don't know.
Sorry for such a long entry! <3
*side note: I finished my ramen (:*
Just, me.
Non-FictionI'm going to write here. My journal entries. All of them. They will be upsetting. I might leave a few out. But, it's the only way where I don't and won't feel silenced. Obviously, no one knows who I am so I don't care of this being out there. But, I...