Journal entry|22

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|January 5th, 2019


"You know, that week before school ended, or those few days considering I was exempt from my exams so in reality those three days before, I really needed you. More than I ever have before.  If December 16th hadn't of happened, I would be fine and I wouldn't have needed you. But it did happen, and it ruined me. You said you would com get me during two different blocks. You never did. But, that's okay. You were probably busy. Now, when I went for my appointment, you were with another student, so I waited. I waited for so long and class change started and she finally left. I took that opportunity to walk in and you asked why I didn't because you were waiting for me. Well, I'm sorry that you taught me not to interrupt while someone is in there. So excuse me for not knocking or walking in, it was purely manners. Anyway, it doesn't matter now. I'm acting as if you're gonna read this haha. Sorry for avoiding you by the way, I just was not in the right place. You know, people usually avoid appointments when they need it most. I guess that's what I was doing. Anyway, thanks for your help last year. I will probably continue to avoid you because I wouldn't want to bother you. One week into 2019 and I've been drunk twice. Not even an entire day apart. It's okay though. I will probably keep doing it because so many things are going on. Anyway, Bye Mrs. ******. You were a great therapist/counselor. <3"

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