The Riderless Horse

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Please listen to this song as you read, it will probably end before you finish this section but I felt like the intro went well with the beginning of this chapter ;)


BEEP BEEP BEEP  your alarm clock obnoxiously awoke you. You groggily sat up, rubbing your eyes, and pushed the window curtain next to your bed aside peering outside. The sun had barely begun to rise and it was still pretty dark. You fall back onto your pillow and sigh shutting your eyes, contemplating getting up out of your warm bed. Ughhh, you sigh and kick your covers off whilst getting up.

You figure it's pretty cold outside and throw on a sweater paired with some black leggings and a black vest, pull up your socks and zip up your riding boots. Heading towards your bathroom, you brush your {H/C} hair and leave it down before putting on a black and white trucker cap. You turn on the tap and brush your teeth to get rid of that awful morning breath. You then apply a few swipes of mascara to make your {E/C} eyes pop and rub a bit of chapstick on your lips. 

Heading out, you go down to {H/S} and tack up your horse {H/N} before giving him/her a loving rub on the nose as they nicker quietly. Mounting, you click a few times as your horse heads off in a slow trot with the sun slowly coming up.


(About 45 minutes later)

As you walk down on your horse, {H/N}, to Moorland Stables, you gaze up at the rising sun painting the sky a beautiful splash of sweet orange and yellow. The calming sound of your horse's hooves ring in your ears as a young rider gallops past you, causing a slight breeze to ruffle your {H/C} hair. A few birds chirp as you make your way down the cobblestone path into the stables. 

Casually glancing around, you watch as some riders gallop off as fast as they can while others mosy about. The early morning air smells fresh and a gust of wind blows through your hair, causing you to put it into a side ponytail. Suddenly you feel a vibration in your pocket and you look at your phone:

Maya: "Hey! Heard you're in Moor rn, can you talk? Meet me near the barn where I usually am."

You: "Ok sounds good, be right there"

You text as you signal to {H/N} to trot in the direction Maya told you to meet her. You see her standing on the wooden crate, per usual, talking to a rider new to the stables when she sees you and signals for you to come over.

Maya: "Hi {Y/N}! Thanks for meeting me, I don't suppose you lost a horse? A big dappled girl, a draft horse I think? She's so... you know what? You should probably just check her out yourself. She's over at the dock by the beach, talk to you later!"

She resumes talking to another new rider confused about directions and ushers you off as you give her a confused look. You pat your horse on the neck and gallop towards the beach. A dark colored draft horse stares at you curiously as you ride up. "Huh.. she was right," you think to yourself. You see a small note attached to the horse's bridle and read:

"Property of the AMAZING YDRIS! If found, please return to Nilmer's Highland along with any cargo and you shall be rewarded handsomely. P.S. -- In case of stubbornness, use cookies. P.P.S. -- But not too many, no matter how much she begs."

You smile and let out a small giggle at the little notes and look back at the horse staring at you. "Okay.." You shrug and pull out a cookie from your bag as the horse perks up eye-ing the cookie. She eats it giddily and begins to trot off as you struggle to mount {H/N} and catch up to her.

"Mon Cher" ~ Ydris x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now