Back To The Circus

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There is some smut in the end of this chapter just letting you all know :)



-That Night-

|| Dreamland ||

As you opened your eyes, you felt as if you were floating. The darkness consumed you and everything was cold. Where am I? you thought to yourself in the abyss. You reached your hand out in front of you trying to see it, but to no prevail you couldn't see your hand. The darkness swarmed around you so much that it was impossible to see anything... not even your hand put out right in front of you.

You began to move around but felt resistant and every time you moved there was a loud clanging. Were you tied to chains? You began thrashing around panicking when you gave up. There was no use, how were you supposed to get out of this? You tried to feel where the chains were tied on you but not like that would help your case. You closed your eyes and hoped for the best.

After what felt like years, a chilling sound started to echo around you. All you could hear was faint whispering but you couldn't understand what the voices were saying. As you looked around, you realized a small light above you began to shine brighter and brighter. A few seconds later after the light had reached its full brightness and other extremely bright lights began to click on around you, nearly blinding you. 

Hello? You screamed out, blinded by the spotlights shining on you.

"~Mon Amour~" you heard a faint voice whisper.

"M-mon Amour?" you questioned the voice.

"~Come back to me, my love.~" it repeated echoing in the brightness, the sound slowly fading away.

Suddenly, the lights shut off, resuming the pitch blackness around you. You felt terrified and so lonely as tears began to run down your face. You went to wipe the tears away but your hands had disappeared, only continuously freaking you out more... your crying only echoed in the blackness for what'd seemed like forever until it stopped...


-Time Skip to the Following Morning-


You awoke abruptly and sat up in bed quickly, you put your hands in front of you to make sure it was just a dream when you realized you were still crying. Tears stained your pillow and your hands desperately tried to wipe the tears away from your face. 

It was just a dream... you sighed in relief as you quietly muttered that numerous times to calm yourself down.

Eventually, you stopped crying and took a few deep breaths, you hadn't had a nightmare for years, not since you were a little kid, what had changed?? You peeked outside your curtain only to notice that the sun still hadn't come up and it was fairly early in the morning, just like yesterday.. memories started racing through your mind and you remembered that incident with the draft horse and her owner... Ydris.

His horse and Maya, meeting him for the first time, him knowing your name before you told him... and that 'present' he gave you that entranced you.. only leaving you wanting more. His lips skimming yours and the way his beautiful eyes fixed on yours as he'd give you a seductive smirk, clearly understanding how he was affecting you in that moment.

You shook your head trying to clear those thoughts when you were interrupted by your phone once again, you looked down and groggily read the texts that popped up on your screen.

&quot;Mon Cher&quot; ~ Ydris x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now