Smoke And Mirrors

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The warm morning sunlight peaked through the thin curtains into your eyes as you slowly blinked awake. You'd forgotten where you were when your eyes quickly darted around the room as an arm wrapped around you hugged you tighter followed with a small grunt. You looked up at the person and eased back, remembering the night before and you gave a shy smile. You shifted to put your arm around Ydris' torso and watched him sleep peacefully next to you.

Your eyes examined the sleeping man beside you with curiosity, starting at his face and slowly bringing your gaze down. His calm expression made him seem unreal and you didn't understand how someone could look so beautiful while sleeping. A lock of his dark hair covered part of his eye and you felt the urge to brush it aside, not wanting to wake him but decided not to as he looked adorable with it. His eyes rested closed as his slow breathing made his chest rise and fall, he looked blissful. Ydris' lips were relaxed and parted a tiny bit and you stopped yourself from kissing him. Maybe later, you thought.

Your eyes began to scan down further past his face, down to his neck and saw a dark purple hickey you'd left the night before not realizing how hard you must've been sucking on it. Somehow it made him look even more attractive, now everyone would know you claimed him as yours. Past his neck and collarbone, you remembered how he had taken off his shirt revealing a toned six-pack and you ran your fingers down his abs gently. He looked absolutely captivating and you felt so lucky to be his. How could someone be so attractive? you asked yourself.

Beginning to get up, you released yourself from his grip and climbed on top of him very carefully not waking him up. You smiled at the sight of him and tried to engrave it into your memory to make it last as long as it possibly could. 'Oh Ydris, you sure are charming, there's no doubt about it.' you whispered.

"~What was that?~" He murmured, smiling, still keeping his eyes closed and you giggled.

You began planting light kisses all over his face whilst smiling as his eyes fluttered open looking at you with a dazed look while you sat up still on top of him. He groaned and stretched his arms before looking at you and giving a sweet grin. Then, sitting up a bit to admire you better he placed a passionate kiss on your lips as you kissed him back happily. His eyes began to travel down your face onto your chest before saying,

"~Where's your shirt?~" He mocked in a husky and still sleepy voice as he looked you up and down from your breasts only covered by your bra to your eyes waiting for your reaction.

Your eyes widened as you looked down to your bare chest and muttered "DAMN IT" quietly, remembering him take off your t-shirt last night. But instead of getting flustered and covering up like you assumed he expected, you just looked back down at him and smirked saying,

"I guess someone took it." while shrugging and you lifted his chin with your finger before resuming kissing him.

He wrapped his arms around your neck and pulled you down onto the bed while turning over so he laid on top of as you yelped falling down. He closed his eyes and groaned in peace while hugging you.

"Noooo.." You whined wanting to get up as he began to fall back asleep struggling to get up from under his grasp.

"Mmmm.." He moaned quietly trying to get you to stay with him.

You finally freed yourself from his grasp and got up, looking for your shirt and the rest of your clothes. You put on your wrinkled white t-shirt and slipped back into your black leggings before getting your boots on and going back to the bed. Ydris resumed a similar sleeping position as before with a lock of hair draped over his eye and his lips slightly parted and you couldn't help but swoon a bit.

"Mon Cher" ~ Ydris x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now