The Ringmaster Beckons

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Okay, so just an FYI since it was kind of confusing but {Z/N} will be referring to your new Zony's name ;) and {H/N} is still referring to your main horse.

This chapter contains a lot of the Soul Riders quests, so be warned!

Also this chapter and the next part will both be pretty long, so enjoy :)

>> The song will be cued with the passage again so please don't start it until then xD <<


"Good morning, Mademoiselle." A husky voice greeted you as you slowly blinked, opening your eyes.

You were laying on top of Ydris in his bed as he casually rested on his back stroking your hair. You opened your eyes giving out a tired groan, 

"Mmmm.. what time is it?" You groaned hazily.

"Time is a mere illusion, love." He replied, continuing to play with your hair.

You began to get up as he gently grabbed your face and pulled it to yours to give you a sweet kiss. You threw your arms around his neck and nuzzled your face into his neck, closing your eyes and sighing tiredly. You saw a glimpse outside between the cracks in the wagon curtains and realized it was definitely late morning.

"Damn." You groaned as you stood up. You moaned as you stretched looking around for your boots and socks grumpily. 

Ydris shot you a confused look as you continued to frantically look for your belongings. You realized you should go back to your place as it was the second night you spent at Ydris'. You slept in your bra which you'd swam in and your old clothes along with your greasy hair, not to mention that you needed to actually eat for once and charge your phone... lots of stuff. 

"I need to go, I'm a disgusting mess." You sighed looking over yourself and smoothing down your bedhead.

"Mon Amour, you are nothing short of stunning." He cooed at you.

"I need to go freshen up but I'll be back later, say good morning to {Z/N} for me." You smiled and gave him a quick peck on the cheek.

As you headed for the door, he reached to grab your hand. Turning around in confusion, you saw Ydris sitting on the bed with his head hung low and you couldn't see his face. 

"Promise me... you'll come back, my little dove." He said with a low voice and sorrow in his tone, still covering his face.

"Don't worry, I will." You lifted his chin up so he would look at you like the many times he'd done to you before and gave him an adoring smile before walking out the door.



|| Time Skip to your Apartment ||

You sighed getting out of the hot shower, finally washing your hair after a few days and put on some fresh clothes. You plopped down on your bed and plugged your phone in to which a few minutes later the screen lit up as it turned back on from being dead. You checked the messages, and one read "Justin Moorland."

Justin: "Hey... can you come to Moorland? There's been some weird stuff going on and the Soul Riders and I think we have a lead on finding Concorde."

You: "Concorde?? Wow it's been so long since I've heard anything on that."

Justin: "Yeah.. things are pretty crazy right now, can you get here soon?"

You: "Of course, on my way.."

&quot;Mon Cher&quot; ~ Ydris x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now