Between The Stars

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>> Song will be cued again at the place where it starts <<


You eyes fluttered open as you awoke to the sound of a quiet knocking on your door. 

"{Y/N}?" A voice called out to you.

You sniffled and rubbed your eyes, puffy from crying the entire night at Ydris' betrayal. You briskly threw on a sweatshirt to hide your hickeys from whoever was there. You went to your door and tried your best not to start crying again before opening it.

"Linda?" You saw her standing in your doorway as she went to hug you. "Come in, sit down." You said wearily.

"Are you feeling any better?" She asked anxiously.

"A bit." You lied giving her a fake smile, which she could easily see through. 

Little did Linda know the reason you were so hurt wasn't because of last night's trauma, but being used by the person you'd fallen for the most. 

"I talked to Evergray and Avalon yesterday at Fripp's. Evergray had this idea that there is no perception of time in Ydris' circus, allowing him full control over everything there. So, maybe if we go to Big Bonny, she can build us some sort of device, such as a clock, to make time a reality. That way, we can go back to Ydris and everything will be in our control." She mentioned.

You thought back to when Ydris whispered that time was "a mere illusion" yesterday morning and blinked to hide the tears forming in your eyes.

"You're saying... we have to go back?" You said in almost a whisper as your voice cracked.

"Yes.. I know it's really hard for you but we have to stop him, {Y/N}." She said cautiously as she put her hand on your shoulder.

You thought about it for a moment, thinking of how it would all go down.. You didn't want to face him, not like this, not ever. But you knew it was something you had to do, it was your job as a Soul Rider to protect Jorvik.

"Okay..." You said with broken spirits. "Give me a few minutes."

You went to your room and put on a yellow v-neck shirt with some black jeans, applied a bit of makeup to hide your puffy eyes and combed your hair, putting it into a loose braid that rested on the side of your shoulder. You then looked at yourself in a mirror, admiring your work. 

You weren't getting dolled up for Ydris, you had to show him you didn't need him. That you could take care of yourself, you didn't want to face him as the weak girl you showed him yesterday. You were powerful and strong, you could do this. You quickly changed your mindset from heartbroken to determined. Nothing was going to stop you. You walked back to Linda sitting in your living room and said,

"Let's do this." You said, smiling with a spark in your eye as the two of you left.


|| At Silverglade Village with Linda, Evergray, and Big Bonny ||

Evergray and Big Bonny had already started hitting it off, talking about how you all needed some sort of clock that could alter the reality of time. She agreed without any hesitation and appointed you to find her the materials she needed.

You and {H/N} traveled up and down the village finding the parts you needed. When you finally got everything on the list she gave you, you returned to them. Within no time, Bonny had assembled the Cosmic Clock.

"Lemme get the Cosmic Clock mounted on your horse. I still don't see why you need a time piece like that to go watch a bunch of clowns. But Ev says it's important. Good luck, {Y/N}." She smiled at you, loading the clock onto your horse.

&quot;Mon Cher&quot; ~ Ydris x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now