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The Little Brother - Chapter 1

Amanda Scott

"Is it always this cold in London?" I asked my cousin, who was loading multiple shopping bags into a cart.

"No," she replied, before biting her lip and pushing the cart away from the grocery store's till.

I just nodded my head, even though she was paying attention to the cart and not me. We walked out of the store, via the electronic sliding doors, and towards her small pink car. She opened the boot and pushed the cart along side it, before heaving the groceries from the cart to the boot. I helped her as we both stood in an uncomfortable silence.

"So when will I be seeing Aunty Janice?" I asked her, as we sat in the car seats. My cousin Rowena slid her car key into the ignition before turning on the car's heating system.

"We'll go to the hospital tomorrow morning." she clarified, before pulling out of the parking lot.

I nodded my head again before propping my elbow on the windowsill of the car and staring out the window. After about ten minutes, we'd arrived out front of Rowena's apartment complex.

"It must be so annoying hauling bags of groceries to the tenth floor." I muttered, tucking a piece of my black hair behind my ear.

"You wouldn't even know," she chuckled, before taking a few plastic bags and sliding the handles onto her arms.

I did the same and we'd discovered that we'd manage to carry all the bags. Once she'd shut her boot and locked the car, we'd taken the elevator to her floor. We turned a corner before approaching a cream-colored door with the number '1032' stuck on its surface in black metal numbers.

Rowena moved towards it and unlocked it with her key, pushing the door open and barging inside. I followed quietly behind her, placing the rest of the bags on the kitchen bench.

"My friends Zoë and Louise are coming over tonight, with Zoë's younger brother. So I want you to keep him entertained and not come out here with my friends please.," she stated, taking some shopping out of the bags.

I nodded before helping her, and then walking down the hallway towards the guest room, that is now my room. I sat on my bed and pulled my laptop onto my lap, opening the lid and clicking on Facebook.

I checked my timeline and messages, seeing I had a message from a friend back home.

Wendy Carter
Hey Mandy! hope you're having a great time in london! Chicago misses you! x

Amanda Scott
Aaaww thanks Wendy! I miss Chicago too! My long lost cousin is kinda rude but i dont know if she's just nervous or something. talk to you soon! x

I exited Facebook and checked my subscriptions on YouTube.

ThatcherJoe 3
CasperLee 5
PointlessBlog 6
Zoella 3

I haven't been on YouTube very long, but I've come to like these few people, and hopefully I'll subscribe to more in the future. I was just about to watch one of ThatcherJoe's new videos when I heard a knock at my bedroom's door.

"Come in." I said, knowing it was Rowena. At least she had the decency to knock.

"Hey, Amanda, get dressed. My friends are coming over in like," she looked down at her gold watch before staring back up at me, "ten minutes."

I nodded and bit down on my bottom lip as she closed the door, leaving the sound of heels clicking against the hallway's floorboards as she walked away.

I wasn't looking forward to having Rowena's friends coming over, and for me to be left with one of their younger brothers. How old was he, like 4?
I hope not, I'm not all that good with kids, but that's what I'm suspecting.

I got up from my bed to go over to my wardrobe, where I pulled open the door to gaze inside at all the clothes hanging on their coat hangers. I skimmed my fingertips over the variety before I came to a cute baby pink pleated shirt, that went to about mid-thigh. I slipped it off my hanger and laid it out on the bed, looking over it to see what would match.

I decided to go with the sheer white long-sleeved shirt, with the cute peter-pan collar with a white singlet underneath. After slipping on my chosen clothes, I took out my brown-blonde hair from the messy bun it was in and let the ringlets cascade down my back. I grabbed my hairbrush from the dressing table and gazed in the mirror as I brushed my hair with the rough bristles of the brush. I pulled my hair up into a high ponytail and tied it up, clipping a pink and white bow in my hair. I slipped on a pair of pink peep-toe stilettos before applying minimum makeup. When I was all set I heard the doorbell ring, and I slightly panicked.

What if the kid I was supposed to be looking after got hurt? Rowena would murder me.

I took a deep breath and walked out into the hallway before approaching the front door, where I heard the giggling of a few girls. I sighed and turned the corner.

"So where's the little cutie?" I asked Rowena, who raised her eyebrows at me.

"The little who?" she asked, laughing slightly.

"Oh, hello!" a small voice called, followed by another.

I felt myself blush at how rude I'd been, for not greeting Rowena's friends, but she did tell me to leave them alone.

"Hello." I mumbled, turning to the two. One lady was chubbier than the other with blonde hair and bright blue eyes. The other was a small and short, with brown ringlets and blonde ends. She too had bright blue eyes, but looked so familiar.

"I'm Zoë." The smaller one stated, sticking out her hand for me to shake.

"Amanda, but you can call me Mandy, or Mands, I don't mind." I smiled at her, before tilting my head to the side and staring at her, shaking her hand.

"I'm sorry," I started, a frown settling on my glossed lips, "but you look awfully familiar."

She laughed and nodded her head, smiling at me.

"I have a well-known YouTube channel, Zoella. And Louise here has one too, Sprinkleofglitter." Zoe stated, as I gasped in surprise.

"Oh my gosh, yes! That's where I've heard of you, silly me, should've known earlier." I laughed, my cheeks heating up in embarrassment.

"So where's your little brother?" I asked Zoe, who was taken inside by with Louise by Rowena.

"Oh he's just out in the hallway taking a call with his roommate, he'll be in in a sec." she replied, as the three of them sat on the sofas in the living room.

On the phone to his roommate? How old is he? I'm so confused.

My thoughts were interrupted when a body slammed into mine, sending me flying backwards. When I thought I was going to fall backwards, two arms wrapped themselves around my waist, stopping me from falling back any further.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry." A deep voice apologised, making me look up at the face that was so close to mine and the ocean blue eyes that stared into my hazel ones.

I was in awe for a second at this guy's gorgeous features before opening my mouth and speaking.

"So you're the younger brother?"

word count: 1408. not edited.

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