end | ♡ 10 ♡

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the cute boy walked right up to me at the counter with a bright smile.

"h-hi.", he waved.

i waved back at him.

"can i order. . .a buttercream cupcake.", he said.

i was speechless. but trying to push the feelings away, i did my job.

"what's your name by the way?", jisung asked.

"it's literally written on my name tag.", i chuckled, pointing at my name tag pinned to my pastel pink apron.

"i know, i just want to hear it from you."

i looked down at the counter. "haemi.", i said—

"haemi-ah! class is over.", miyeon shook the girl who had been daydreaming beside her. "thinkin' about jisung again?", she smirked as she started putting her things into her backpack.

haemi looked around the classroom and then at her friend. "no i wasn't.", she lied. "but. . .i sure am now."


"how about. . .her!", felix pointed at a short girl with blonde-dyed hair bending over to pick up her fallen pen by her locker.

"looks like a perfect match for you, not me.", jisung said as him and felix made their way down the hallway.

"i give up.", felix said. "the cupcake girl was really the only one for you."

"and i never did anything wrong.", jisung sighed. "what do i have to do to prove to her that i really like her- hasn't she already seen?!"

"i know. that sucks.", felix said. "you know what would be amazing. . .if the cupcake girl and your secret admirer were-

"the same person.", jisung finished. "that, would be the best thing in the whole world. . .too bad, it's too good to be true."


"hurry up haemi i'm hungry!", miyeon whined as she waited for her friend to leave her locker so they could go to the lunchroom.

"i'll come later. . .i have something to do.", haemi said smirking a little bit. "it's really important. . .i just hope it goes well."

"okay?", miyeon chuckled softly. "i'll go find hanjae then-

"no!", haemi closed her locker shut, harder than she intended to. "you don't wanna do that. just go, i'll be there soon."

and with that, miyeon left, and haemi blended with a crowd of students, only taking less than a second to slip a note into jisung's locker. a note that would change everything.


jisung rushed out of the school at the end of the day, his heart racing. he couldn't think of anything, or anyone for that matter except for haemi.

inside his pocket was a note. in the note, haemi had drawn an oreo cupcake. the last one he ordered before he stopped coming to the shop. it wasn't a confrontation note, but rather an apology and a confession at the same time.

i'm sorry

those were the words written below it. and just like that, jisung's dream came true, the girl he loved, loved him back. he knew her inside-out and wasn't going to back down.

and then he saw her. haemi stood there at the bus stop, as if she were waiting for something.

jisung ran all the way to her, not caring who saw. he just wanted to do what he's wanted to for a very long time.

the boy ran up behind haemi, tapping her on the shoulder. the moment she turned around, she smiled.

jisung looked down at her lips and didn't hesitate to lean in and press his lips on hers. they both waited so long for this and now it was finally happening. they both felt something. joy and happiness. it felt right. it was perfect.

because how could this story not have a happy ending, when two lovers meet in a cupcake shop.

the end~

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