Crafting Creatures

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-Ash POV-

=Spring 2=

I got out of bed at the same time, six in the morning. I have to check my crops! I walked outside and...

The mailbox had something sticking out of it. Probably mail! Wait, I get mail? I rushed over and took the letter that was inside.

Hello there,
Just got back from a fishing trip. You should come down to the beach sometime.
I've got something for ya.

I nodded to nobody in particular, opening up my journal and writing in it.

To The Beach!
Meet someone named Willy at the beach before 5pm!

Closing the journal, I picked up my watering can and began watering my parsnips and beans. The crops were growing really well! After watering them, I chopped down four trees so I could get more wood from them. I found something odd on the ground. A book of sorts, with a hammer on the cover. I could hear tiny giggling as I opened the cover, there was a voice! No, a chorus of tiny voices!

"We will help you make things! When you have resources, you can make lots and lots of things! Open this book, point to the object, and its name will appear! Repeat its name, and we will make it for you! If you have resources, of course! Try it, try it!"

This was getting a little weird, but I had nothing to lose! Except my resources... But still, this looked promising! I pointed to the chest. I looked up, and there it was. The word 'Chest' in pale green smoke. Here goes...

"Chest!" I called into the emptiness of my farm.

All of a sudden, my backpack was heavier. I looked inside, and there it was... A perfectly formed chest, without any catch. I was missing 50 pieces of wood, so I'm assuming that's what the weird crafting creatures used.

I picked up the chest out of it, placing it on the west side of my front porch. I loaded the chest with my clay, sap, grass, stone, and the remainder of my wood. I found another book inside the chest, but this one was way thicker. I saw a note in this one, too.

Heh... Managed to sneak this in their little creation. Use this whenever you don't have a certain item because you maybe sold it last night, or if you accidentally gave it to somebody as a gift. Or hey, maybe use it when you're feeling super lazy! Who cares, am I right?
P.S. Just a tip for THEIR way of doing things 'legitimately', you can point to the item and say INFO for information and number of materials for the item. Convenient, right?

"What's with all these people and sending me weird stuff?" I asked nobody, raising an eyebrow.

Rev could be anyone's name! I knew several people in Zuzu City with 'rev' in their name! Revaz, Trevyn, Reve... Or maybe their name starts with or has 'ver' in it! Whoever they are, they sure don't like the craft-spirit way of doing things... I felt three things plop into my backpack, so I took it off and looked inside. Three little bar-shaped snacks in green wrapping and a note.

We uh... Don't normally send things you haven't gotten yet, but you looked really really tired and we don't want you to pass out! So we sent three really delicious snacks to keep you energized! Hope you like them! :3

These craft-spirits sounded really friendly. However, when I do get the recipe for these little bars, I really hope they'll send more for the proper resources.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2021 ⏰

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