Glass Shattered

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(Cybertron shattered glass universe.)

Three Decepticons hurried though the streets of Iacon Knock Out, Breakdown and Steeljaw quickly got into a room to hide. it had been an easy mission at first just a simple recon mission explore an old ship that was all they had been sent to do. But it had gone south as soon as Autobots had shown up. The three mechs were forced to hide because they were out matched and out numbered. But at lest they were safe for the time being.

"So I hear you two are both planning to get married and have a double bonding ceremony." Asked Steeljaw right after he had requested a ground bridge.

"Yes I'm bonding with Flame War and Breakdown is bonding with Arachnid." Said Knock Out.

"We're gonna be each other's best mech." Breakdown explained.

"That's great for all of you." Steeljaw congratulated them.

"And your invited to the weddings." Knock Out and Breakdown both told him.

"I'll be there." Steeljaw agreed.

Just then the door was blasted open and Ultra Magnus, Arcee and a bunch of Autobot troopers came in. "Well what do we have here three Decepticons who are about to be scrapped." Growled Arcee. Just then the ground bridge opened. "Well that's our ride." Quipped Knock Out as the three started to make a dash for the ground bridge but before they got though Breakdown was shot in the shoulder by Ultra Magnus and fell to the ground.

"Get Breakdown through the ground bridge I'll hold them off!" Knock Out shouted.

Steeljaw didn't want to leave Knock Out but Breakdown needed to get out of there so he decided to get him through the ground bridge then come back for Knock Out who was fighting both Ultra Magnus and Arcee.

Knock Out got in several hits and it looked like he was winning until he was hit in the helm by Ultra Magnus's hammer and knocked into the wall and when he tried to get up Arcee stabbed him in the shoulder with an old energon dagger that had been a wall ornament on the ship making him yelp in pain as energon dripped down the side of his face where Ultra Magnus's hammer had crushed part of it and now Arcee held the dagger in his shoulder and was twisting it making him feel more pain then punched him in the midsection.

"Any last words Decepticon?" Hissed Ultra Magnus as Arcee pulled the dagger out of Knock Out's shoulder. Then Knock Out saw Steeljaw comeback through the the ground bridge that opened again.

"Yes tell Flame War I love her." Knock Out chocked out tearfully looking at Steeljaw right before Arcee shot him in the spark chamber and his optics went dull as his spark was extinguished.

"Nooo!" Yelled Steeljaw which came out more as a howl. He wanted to make them pay for killing one of his friends but knew he had to go back through the ground bridge and return to base and let the others know what happened.

After he walked back through the ground bridge he was greeted by Flame War, Arachnid and Breakdown who was still holding his shoulder because he'd refused treatment till he found out if Knock Out was safe. And Starscream and Megatron had just entered as well after hearing something had gone wrong on the mission and were concerned for the team.

"Steeljaw thank goodness." Breakdown said in relief. "Where's Knock Out?" He asked as everyone was silent.

"He said to tell Flame War he loved her." Steeljaw explained with a sad look. At hearing the words he'd said Flame War broke into a sob. And Breakdown slammed his fist against the wall. "I'll make them pay." Cried Breakdown.

Megatron told the Decepticons to stay at the base for now so the team would have time to morn their friend.

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