Knock Out's Choice

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Ratchet and Optimus took Knock Out to the med bay. but as Ratchet's medical training had told him Knock Out was already dead before Optimus and the others had gotten him there. And all he could do was confirm that it was a combination of exhaustion and the beating he took that killed him and his wounds had gotten rust in them and had been infected which had also contributed to his death.

Ratchet came out of the med bay with a downcast expression. "He's gone." He told everyone.

"No!" "There has to be something you can do!" Screamed Arcee who was now in tears.

"He was already dead before we got him to the med bay." Explained Ratchet who was fighting back his own tears. "There was nothing I could do."

"Knock Out kept the evil Autobots from getting the Matrix he died a hero." Said Bumblebee also close to tears.

"Knock Out's sacrifice won't be in vain we'll take Optimus's double back to our universe were he will be tried and changed for his crimes." Shattered glass Megatron told them.

"I think that's what Knock Out would want." Replied Optimus but suddenly the Matrix started glowing in his chest and his optics were glowing too.

Everyone know that meant he was getting a message from the Thirteen Primes and were wondering what it was about.

Optimus suddenly found himself in the realm of the Primes.

"Micronus what is the meaning of this?" Optimus asked the smaller Prime before him.

"Optimus it has been brought to our attention that an Autobot sacrificed himself to protect the Matrix." Micronus told him. "And that kind of bravery can not go unrewarded."

"So the Primes have decided to allow you to use the power of the Matrix to restore the spark of your fallen comrade." Micronus continued.

"But Knock Out was not originally an Autobot." Optimus explained.

"But he has the spark of an Autobot so an Autobot he will be." Replied Micronus.

"Thank you." Optimus told him before leaving the realm of the Primes and returning to the others on Cybertron.

"What did the Primes say?" Asked Bumblebee after seeing Optimus was back.

"We have to go to the med bay." He replied.

Then Optimus walked to the med bay with the others behind him. And went to where Knock Out's body was laying on a berth and took the Matrix out of his chest and aimed it at Knock Out.

Then a blue light shot out and hit the Austin Martin's body. And his dents and wounds disappeared and his color changed from gray back to his normal red then the light stopped.

Ratchet went over and checked him and saw that he had a spark again and his life signal was back online. Then Knock Out started to stir.

"What happened?" Asked the revived Knock Out.

"You saved the Matrix of Leadership and possibly both universes." Ratchet told him.

Then everyone suddenly started starring at Knock Out which confused the red mech.

"What is it?" Asked Knock Out. "Oh man do I have something on my face or worse my finish?"

"No it's just there's something different about you." Bumblebee told him.

"Different how?" Knock Out asked nervously.

"Something's different about your optics." Arcee informed him.

Knock Out got up and went to look in a mirror. When he found one he looked and was shocked to see instead of his red Decepticon optics a pair of bright blue Autobot optics were starring back at him.

"Well I guess I'm officially an Autobot now." Knock Out said as a smile crossed his face.

Later that day the shattered glass Decepticons were going back to their universe after saying goodbye to their new friends the main universe Autobots.

"So I guess this is goodbye?" Bumblebee asked Knock Out.

"No I already said my goodbyes to the mirror universe Decepticons I choose to stay here." Said Knock Out. "This universe is my home and where I belong."

"I'm glad I'd miss having you as my assistant." Ratchet cut in having just gotten there in time to hear their exchange.

Now all the good Decepticons had gone back to their own universe but Megatron and Starscream who were about to go as well.

"If you ever need our help again just call us and we'll use the Stellar Spanner and come running." Said Shattered glass Megatron.

"Like wise friend." Said the main universe Optimus Prime as Megatron returned to his universe and Starscream fallowed.

"Oh and Starscream thanks for saving me from your universe's Bumblebee back there you did good in getting the Matrix back to Optimus." Knock Out told him.

Suddenly shattered glass Starscream looked confused. "That wasn't me I was nowhere near where you were I didn't take the Matrix to Optimus." He replied before telling them goodbye and returning to his own universe scratching his head.

"But if that wasn't the mirror universe Starscream then it was!.." "but that couldn't be I mean why would he give the Matrix back to Optimus instead of trying to keep it for himself?" Asked Knock Out.

"Why would our universe's Starscream help us at all?" Bumblebee asked.

Then they got a transmission from none other then Starscream in the from of a letter that said.

"Dear Autobots."

"You probably figured out it was me and not my double who helped Knock Out and got the Matrix back to your Prime." "And your probably wondering why I didn't keep it to use it's power for myself." "I think my double rubbed off on me a bit." "I no longer wish to be a Decepticon and I'm sorry for all the harm I caused as one."

"I know words can't begin to make up for it but I hope in time you can all come to forgive me." "Now I'm going to find Megatron I figure if the mirror universe version of us can be friends why can't we get along in this universe as well and who knows maybe one of these days we'll both become Autobots if you'll all have us?"


"Well I didn't see that coming." Said Knock Out.

"Sounds like Starscream actually had a change of spark." Bumblebee added.

"If he and Megatron ever do decide to join our ranks then they are welcome to." Said Optimus.

"OK but if that dose happen Starscream is not becoming my roommate." Knock Out joked. Then everyone laughed.

To Be Continued.

Hope you all enjoyed this story now I just have to add the epilogue.

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