Keep Away

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After going through the Spanner and coming out on the main universe's Cybertron Bumblebee, Arcee, Knock Out, and the shattered glass Decepticons joined the battle that was taking place.

Everyone had their hands full fighting the evil Autobots from the shattered glass universe. Then Ratchet and the shattered glass Shockwave and Starscream joined the fight. Starscream's good double had just gotten his new body and was giving it a field test by helping his universe's Megatron fight Autobot troopers.

"I love my new body." Said Starscream "I actually think it might have better thrust and speed then my old one."

"OK think you can use it to take out your universe's evil Wheeljack over there?" Asked Arcee.

"Gladly." He replied as he fired missals at Wheeljack's evil double who was sent flying.

"Wow he sure flew high." Shattered glass Steeljaw exclaimed.

"And he's not even a seeker." Starscream quipped.

Meanwhile Optimus was fighting his evil version from the other universe and it was a pretty even mach. Both Primes kept taking one hit after the other.

"I can't believe how weak I am in this universe all the power of the Primes you could use it to rule Cybertron with an iron fist but you've chosen to protect those weaker then you instead what a waste." Optimus's double told him.

"Being a Prime isn't about power it is a responsibility." "What are you trying to accomplish here?" Asked the good Optimus Prime. "What is it you have to gain by invading our universe?"

"I want your Matrix of Leadership with this universe's Matrix as well as my own I will be invincible and I will take over both universe's." Optimus's evil double bellowed.

"Your mad there is no telling what bringing the Matrix of both our universe's together will do." The main universe Optimus replied as the two continued to struggle. "You could end up destroying both universe's."

"A chance I am willing to take." The evil Optimus hissed as he managed to get the Matrix out of the good Prime's chest and the two were fighting over it and it ended up being kicked aside.

Knock Out had just gotten there and saw what was going down and he picked up the Matrix and both Primes saw him.

"Knock Out get the Matrix out of here and keep it away from my double we can not let him get the Matrix no matter the cost!" Yelled the good Optimus.

Knock Out obeyed and transformed with the Matrix in the seat of his vehicle mode. And was now driving as fast as his wheels could spin.

"After the medic and get that Matrix even if you have to rip him apart to do it!" The evil Optimus told the evil doubles of Bumblebee and Ultra Magnus. Who both obeyed and went after Knock Out to get the Matrix.

Knock Out knew they were on his tailpipe so he drove through the sea of rust to try to lose them. And there was a rust storm going on that made it next to impossible to see.

Then Bumblebee's double caught up to him and started banging on his alt mode which caused the poor red mech to transform and he was now holding the Matrix in his hand and Bumblebee's evil double was trying to force it out and Knock Out was holding on to it for dear life knowing he couldn't let the evil shattered glass Autobots get it.

But Bumblebee's double wasn't giving up and was now beating him for it. Just when Knock Out thought Bumblebee's double was going to kill him a missal shot him through the spark chamber and the evil Bumblebee was blasted to bits.

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