Ghost of a Chance

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Knock Out came out of recharge the next day and Ratchet told him the sad news about Starscream's death.

"No it's all my fault." Knock Out whimpered. "If I hadn't gone off and got myself and Steeljaw captured you guys wouldn't have had to rescue us and Starscream would be alive and well."

"You can't blame yourself what happened to Starscream wasn't your fault." Ratchet told him. "Starscream sacrificed himself to save Megatron it's this universe's twisted version of Optimus who's at fault."

Then they heard a racket coming from the room with the Stellar Spanner and the two went to investigate. And upon arriving they were greeted with Shockwave standing next to the Spanner like he was in shock about something.

"What Happened Shockwave?" Asked Ratchet.

"I was testing the Spanner and I accidentally pull someone else from your universe through to ours." Replied Shockwave.

"Well who was it?" Knock Out asked him.

"I'm pretty sure it was Starscream." Said Shockwave with a hint of grief in his voice. Knock Out and Ratchet could tell seeing the Starscream from their universe when their Starscream had just died that night was hard on him.

"Where is he now?" Asked Ratchet.

"He bolted out of the room and down the hallway as soon as he came out of the Spanner." Shockwave told them.

"Alert the others and be careful he's not the Starscream you knew." Knock Out explained. "He's dangerous."

Then Bumblebee and Arcee came in because they had also heard the Spanner and wanted to see what was going on.

"What happened?" They both asked at once.

"Our universe's Starscream is here." Said Knock Out.

"Oh scrap!" Huffed Bumblebee and Arcee.

Then they informed the others in the base and let them know how dangerous their Starscream was and to be careful dealing with him.

Meanwhile Starscream was wondering the base trying to figure out where he was and what just happened?

He and Steeljaw had escaped from the scrapyard through the ground bridge and came out in a ship they had just outside Earth's orbit.

They were on their way to Cybertron to get reinforcements when they came across the Spanner and Starscream had left the ship in his jet mode to get a closer look and see if it was something they could use but ended up caught in the magnetic pull and Steeljaw had just left him there.

And now he was somewhere completely unfamiliar and didn't know how to get back. And was now hiding in a weapons locker.

"This is a fine mess I'm in." Groaned Starscream. "When I find Steeljaw I'll rip his spark out for letting this happen to me."

"Wow your not what I expected." Said a voice. "I can't believe how dark and violent you are."

"Who's there?!" Asked Starscream who was starting to worry because he could hear someone talking but there was no one in sight. "Show yourself!"

"Hi." Said a seeker who suddenly appeared out of nowhere. It startled Starscream because to spite sporting different colors there was no questioning the fact that he was looking at himself.

"This can't be!" Yelled Starscream.

"Can and is." Said shattered glass Starscream.

"Take this imposter!" Shouted Starscream as he tried to punch his double only to have his fist pass right through him.

"That won't work I kind of died yesterday but my spark somehow survived so I'm kind of a ghost now." Starscream's double told him. "So how's your day going?"

"Ghost!" "Somebody help there's a ghost and it's mee!?" Screamed a very frightened and confused Starscream.

"Oh and I need to borrow your body." Said Starscream's double who jump into his spark chamber.

"Hey get out of there this body's taken!" Yelled Starscream.

"No way!" Shouted his double through his mouth.

"No fair I was here first!" Whined Starscream.

"And I need to borrow it for awhile!" Roared his double.

"Get out of my head!" Starscream growled at his double.

"What's going on in here?!" Yelled Ratchet who entered the room with Bumblebee, Knock Out and shattered glass Megatron. Who Starscream started to shoot with his missile but shattered glass Starscream used his other arm to make him miss.

"I see you've figured out how to control my limbs!" Said Starscream. "I can't let you harm my leader!" Yelled his double.

"I'm protecting Megatron is this really happening?!" Yelled Starscream. "I'll make you pay for that how dare you try to kill my friend!" Said shattered glass Starscream who slapped himself across the cheek. "If you hit me I'll hit right back!" Hissed Starscream who also smacked himself. "Ouch I just can't win here!"

"What's wrong with you?" Asked Bumblebee.

"Get me out of me!" Groaned Starscream.

"He's finally lost it." Said Knock Out.

"I doubt any of you would fair any better in this situation!" Huffed Starscream. "How would you feel if you were being taken over by your own ghost!"

"What!" Everyone shouted at once.

"Let all go to the med bay so try to figure out what in the universe is going on with him." Huffed Ratchet.

Upon arriving in the med bay Ratchet ran a diagnostic scan on Starscream and saw there were two sparks then showed the others.

"So let me get this straight our Starscream is being taken over by the ghost of this universe's Starscream." Knock Out said still trying to understand exactly what was going on.

"In our universe Starscream has an abnormal spark that can't be extinguished and apparently this universe's Starscream has it too." Ratchet explained to them.

"You two will just have to work together till we can get this universe's Starscream a new body." Bumblebee told them.

"OK looks like I'm stuck with you till you get a new body." Huffed Starscream. "Yes." The shattered glass Starscream cut in.

"Well at least your Starscream can keep Our's in check." Said Arcee.

"And it's good to have you back Starscream." Megatron told the seeker.

"Thanks I'm glad to be alive well kind of till I get a new body." Said shattered glass Starscream. "I'm going to need so much therapy when this is over." Moaned Starscream.

They figure out that all the shattered glass Decepticons had blue optics like the Autobots in the main universe and in this universe the Autobots had red like the Decepticons did in the regular one so Starscream's optics kept changing depending on which Starscream was talking. So at least they could tell which one they were speaking too.

"The Spanner is now operational." Exclaimed Shockwave who had just walked in.

"So we can go home." Said Bumblebee.

"And after we get this issue worked out we'll send your Starscream back." Breakdown told them.

"We'll stay one more night to rest then tomorrow we'll go home." Said Ratchet knowing everyone was tired from having to deal with the Starscream situation.

So everyone went to recharge but Knock Out who still didn't know what to do. He didn't really want to stay but knew he'd be better accepted in the shattered glass universe. Because he didn't want to go back with the other if they didn't want him there. But he knew this universe would never really feel like home to him.

So Knock Out set up in the med bay trying to decide which universe he belonged in.

To Be Continued.

I thought having SG Starscream possess main universe Starscream would be funny XD.

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