Torn Between Two Worlds

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Knock Out sat in the med bay trying to figure out what to do. On one hand he could stay in the shattered glass universe and he would be accepted by the good Decepticons there.

But he'd be leaving everything he'd ever known in the main universe that was his real home but if the Autobots didn't want him on their team who was he to impose?

He knew having once been a Decepticon in their universe didn't make him the most trustworthy mech in the eyes of a lot of the Autobots but he thought they had mostly moved passed that but after hearing what they'd said a few day earlier about how a con could never truly fit in among bots and that they thought he be better off there.

He just didn't know what to do. Or where he belonged. He knew the Decepticons here had been kind to him and he thought of them as friends and it was nice seeing Breakdown again but he knew this universe's Breakdown though similar wasn't the same Breakdown he'd known and had been best friends with.

And he wasn't the Knock Out the Decepticons in this universe had known either and knew that his presents there was probably bringing up lots of memories for all of them and making it harder for them to move on. Because seeing Breakdown here was bringing back a lot of memories for him.

Suddenly his thoughts were interrupted by Steeljaw and Flame War who walked in.

"I'm glad to see your better Steeljaw." Said Knock Out. "So what up?"

"We just finished talking and we told each other how we feel and we're going to start dating." They both told Knock Out at once.

"Well I'm happy for you two and I think your Knock Out would be too." He replied.

"Thank you for helping us get together." Steeljaw said to him.

"Your welcome." Knock Out told them. Then Steeljaw and Flame War left to tell Breakdown and Arachnid the good news.

Then Starscream came in who was arguing with himself because both versions of him were still stuck in the same body.

"You didn't have to shoot a hole in the wall of my corders!" "Well you didn't have to take over my body!" "Your so mean you scared poor Swindle half to death and he had to clean up transmission fuel because he was so frightened he leaked!" "So it's my fault his room was on the other side of the wall!" "Your missile just missed his head!" Both Starscreams continued to argue making his optics flash back and forth between red and blue. Giving Knock Out a very much needed laugh.

"It's like Jeckly and Hide." Knock Out chuckled but then saw Starscream giving him a confused look and knew that reference was completely lost on both versions of him.

"Knock Out what are you doing up so late?" Asked Starscream.

"I just have a lot on my mind." Knock Out replied.

"What's troubling you?" Starscream asked him though he didn't know which one because the seeker had his back to him.

"I don't know if I should stay here or go back to my own universe." Knock Out told them.

"Well only you can decide what's right for you Knock Out you should follow your spark." Starscream told him.

"Thanks Screamer." Knock Out answered him before Starscream left the med bay.

"See you can be nice when you want to be." "Oh shut up!" Huffed Starscream. But Knock Out didn't hear that last exchange because he was still having trouble making up his mind.

Later that night Knock Out went in to recharge and had a nightmare that he was being chased and beaten up by both the Decepticons from his universe and the Autobots from the shattered glass universe.

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