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Arcee fallowed shattered glass Cliffjumper through the ground bridge and luckily he didn't see her and she was able to hide in a different room till he moved on dragging shattered glass Starscream with him. then she came back out and fallowed him.

She passed some Autobot troopers but they didn't attack her. Apparently they thought she was her double so left her alone. They remained her of the vehicons from her universe.

She passed them and went to a door she saw Cliffjumper take Starscream through. He still didn't see her so she hid behind some equipment. She wanted to see what this universe's evil Autobots were up to and find a way to save Starscream.

Then she saw Cliffjumper approach this universe's version of Optimus Prime who was Black and Purple instead of red and blue.

"Cliffjumper great work you've captured the Decepticon second in command now we'll see what information we can get from him." Shattered glass Optimus Prime told Shattered glass Cliffjumper.

Just then Starscream come to and opened his optics his shoulder still hurt from when Cliffjumper shot him and from where she was hiding Arcee could see he was hurt.

"Now tell us what you know of the Decepticons." Said Optimus.

"Never." Hissed Starscream.

"You are very stubborn Starscream if you had join us we wouldn't have had to destroy Crystal City." Mocked Optimus. "But if you tell us the Decepticons secrets we'll let you join us and won't harm you."

"I have the same answer for you now that I did then." Growled Starscream. "I'll never join you!"

"Wrong answer." Said Optimus who nodded at Cliffjumper who pulled on Starscream's wings so hard that the seeker thought they were going to break. And Starscream yelled in pain.

"The wings are the weak spot on a seeker." "Now are you going to comply with us?" Asked Cliffjumper.

"Over my scrapped body!" Cried Starscream now in a great amount of pain.

"If that's what you prefer it can be arranged." Roared Optimus who slammed Starscream hard against the wall then let him drop to the floor. Then grabbed each of his wings and started to pull causing Starscream let out a cry of pain.

But then Arcee who couldn't stand any more of this blasted shattered glass Optimus in the back getting his attention and causing him to drop Starscream which was good because another minute and he would have ether ripped the seekers wings off or tore him in half.

Then Optimus and Cliffjumper started after Arcee but were suddenly hit by missiles Starscream shot at them. Starscream couldn't stand up because it hurt to much but he was going to make sure Arcee got away. Then Arcee's double attacked him. Arcee quickly changed into her motorcycle from and drove into her double knocking her away from Starscream.

Then changed back to her Cybertronian mode and was fighting the evil version of herself. But Optimus and Cliffjumper were coming her way. There was no way she could fight all three of them but she was ready to try.

Then a ground bridge opened and shattered glass Megatron came through and started fighting Optimus. and Bumblebee who also came through the ground bridge helped Arcee get the semiconscious Starscream through the ground bridge. Then Megatron went through it after the others were safe and they escaped.

After they got back to the Decepticon base they got Starscream to the med bay. Arcee felt bad for not trusting them and now knew they weren't like the Decepticons in her universe. Starscream had gotten himself captured and hurt to protect her and was willing to risk his spark for his team. It actually seemed like something her universe's Bumblebee or Ultra Magnus would do. And Megatron didn't return through the ground bridge till he knew everyone was safe not unlike her universe's Optimus would have done.

"Will Starscream be OK?" Asked Arcee when Ratchet and Shockwave came out of the med bay.

"He took quite a beating." Shockwave explained. "But he should make a full recovery after some rest."

"That's good." Said Arcee. "That was terrible what they were doing to him back there." "Your Optimus is as bad as our Megatron it was my fault Starscream got hurt I should have trusted you guys." "I know your not like the Decepticons in our universe now."

"It's OK we didn't trust you guys either." Flame War apologized. "But now we know you aren't like the Autobots here we heard how you helped Starscream." "So friends?"

"Friends." Answered Arcee.

Just then they heard a scream from the med bay.

"Ahhh I've joined with the all spark!" Screamed Knock Out who had come out of his coma.

"Knock Out it's OK." Arcee told the frightened sports car.

"No it's not we're dead I just saw Breakdown leaving the room." Said a very confused and panicked Knock Out.

"We're not dead Knock Out we're in an alternate universe." Ratchet told Knock Out. "And now I have a lot of explaining to do to get you up to speed." "And I'm glad your OK but you might what to stay in bed for this because it's kind of a long and complicated story."

"Please just tell me what's going on." Groaned Knock Out who just wanted to know why his dead partner was back and what they were doing with the Cons.

To Be Continued.

Here's chapter three. Hope you all enjoy it.

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