alien: THE SCARRING OF SUNSHINE: Whiskey Lullabies

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CHAPTER ONE: WHISKEY LULLABYES                      

[Whiskey Lullabies: Janet Devilin]

31st DECEMBER 3016

And the dream begins from the begining, when I was a small town 16 year old girl...

3. 3 regions. President Vincent St. Cloud decided it’d be a great idea. To split the world into three regions. He always said it’d make us zodiac citizens wealthy. But in reality he was the one stuffing his face with money. 1 region for Welfare. 

Welfare is the region which endorses in altruism and charity. They have many hospitals, treatment and inns for the poor. Along with fancy restaurants and buffets to enjoy. They all stick together like a huge family living in eternal equality & happiness. They are the most eco friendly and include a wide range of zoos and farmland to grow crops. With all sorts of healthy eating shows and exciting industry. Along with the work there is a lot of sea life and nature to look after. Everyone works as a team and gets the job done.

1 for Expertise.

Expertise a whole new humankind. Full of disclosures and new contraptions and establishment. Not only is the aptitude in the region that never goes unnoticed. It’s there courageousness and fearlessness'. They strive to be perfect and make the world a more science based place. Crammed with all sorts of jeopardizes and hazards. They provide all of the regions with their machinery and creation and help to keep the orb in order. So when trouble‘s on the way. The expertise brings an end to utter mayhem.

And finally 1 for Artistry.

The Artistry region brings life to the orb. Without comedies and tragedies, television and concerts the orb wouldn’t be the orb. They have many theatres, studios and opportunities to become loaded and eminent. They also amuse the poor and royalty from all the other regions by having soaps and other T.V. Dramas. As well as the dance shows, harmonious stunts and dramatic performances. Artistry also strives to develop art and architecture for the world and for the other regions to benefit well. 

Each citizen in each and every orb has a brooch. They have to keep it on at all times. This would show whether if they were in Welfare, Expertise or Artistry. There is a Wisteria plant for the Welfare, next there is a berteloniana, which is for the Expertise. And at last there is an Alstroemeria. That’s for the Artistry region.

Well that’s what it says on paper. Here’s what they are really like...

WELFARE: They supply the zodiac with drugs, and alcohol. And other dangerous beverages. Where polluted oceans meander around the town. 

EXPERTISE: A place for murder, crime and death. They create potions and serums to harm and kill anything, or anyone that doesn’t belong.

ARTISTRY: A world with illegal piracy, sex and abusive and racist comments among the performing arts. 

The saddest thing out of all of this utter terror, Vincent has deceived the world. Making them think that it’s right to be wrong. It’s good to be bad. You see when the world began. Vincent was already a dictator he claimed that he was God. He was the ruler. He created this idea of Heaven. A place for the people that followed every single order that he said. I guess ever since then everyone bought it and well that’s why everyone is bad. Everything is bad. Except the aliens. 

It’s been like that for 50 years and for many years to come he always says. This system is being run by the mystic forces. They live at the heart of the zodiac. Some people say it’s a death camp. Or that Vincent has kept people hostage there for many years. Others don’t have a clue. But I guess the ignorance is bliss right. As long as we stay in line we will be fine. We will be great. My mum always says I should keep my mouth shut. She says I should ignore the aliens. For they are wretched bastards who are clueless. But something about them makes me want to sing and rejoice with them. They are always happy. Even through the bad times. What do they have that I don’t? My mum is wrong I know she is. How can a clueless bastard be so happy and be so content with the little they have. But the problem is if I stand up to her she’ll kill me. Infact not just my mum. The whole of Welfare. They’ll treat me like dirt just like they treat the aliens. Am I prepared for that?

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