alien: THE SCARRING OF SUNSHINE: Breathing Oxymoron

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[Safe and Sound: Taylor Swift ft Civil Wars]


As I enter the living cavity. A warped labyrinth. The world I once knew before with mansions, rivers, sand. Was now not present in my mind anymore. The toxic wafts had devoured the pleasant memories that tip toed around my mind. But to turn back wasn’t an opportunity. My encyclopaedia contained a map that explained where everything was in the Northlake. According to this map I wasn’t too far from the Kruger’s. Infact I was only 2minutes away south from there cottage.

Cycling was horrendous. The roads were sprinkled with potholes and hazards. Of course I tried to avoid being seen, but it was impossible. Along the way I saw people dancing and rejoicing someone called “Jesus”, and “God”. As I cycled by they stopped and stared. But there weren’t stares that motioned anger and hatred like my mother always said, there were worried stares. Stares that portrayed fear. Fear of me. They must know I’m not from here. But how I thought? It was then when I realised that they were covered it dirt, with rags as clothes, barefooted and I was covered in designer and jewels. It wasn’t that hard to tell the difference. The go back to rejoicing as I cycle past. The faces didn’t reflect their clothes or their environment they were happy as ever.

There it was. The Kruger’s. At last. Surprisingly they didn’t have a lock. There gate was open. Back in the zodiac everyone had locks on their gate. There is a lot of robbery. I guess they just forgot to lock it. I press the bell. Ding Dong.

 It’s been fifteen minutes. They still haven’t answered, but I do hear a lot of clamour coming from inside. I guess they don’t want any visitors. Just as I reach the gate to go back home. I hear a voice a voice as sweet as velvet. To my surprise calling my name.

“Hattie is that you?” I turn around to find a little girl. Round about 10. Her coiled auburn hair is tight up in a bun. She’s wearing some red dungarees and a plaid shirt along with boots.

“Hello, how do you know my name, how do you know who I am?” I ask, bewildered

“My great uncle Bertie Kruger. Your father’s dad said that you’d come and visit today.”

“So you must be Louisa Kruger, my father’s niece. My father always used to talk about you. How intellectual and smart you were.”

“Who are you talking to Louisa?” I hear a voice echoing in the background. Progressively coming nearer and nearer.

“Hattie, Hattie Kruger. Is that you? Oh my, look how you have grown. Come inside. You probably don’t remember my name. My name is-“

“Rosa Kruger. My father’s mother.” I answer.

“Good memory you have you know. Right come with me and I’ll introduce you to our family. I hope you weren’t waiting too long outside we are just so busy. We are getting ready for the big clean up. Then there will be a banquet after that, there will be a church service.”  She took me through the whole cottage. There must have been about 50 people getting ready and getting their shovels and  dusters out. Including all my cousins, aunties, uncles and more. At last we had reached Bertie Kruger. He was the one I wanted to speak to.

Not that I was afraid of my grandfather, I was just nervous. He could be very harsh and strict when he wanted to. Reluctantly I knock on the door. Back in Welfare people would push the door right open. And if it was locked they’d beat the door down. But I didn’t want to invade his privacy.

“Liesel have you scorched the crumpets and set out the five pick nick baskets-“He begins.

“Hattie I knew you’d come. Come in and have a seat. You can sit anywhere you like.” Glancing around the petite room I was spoilt for choice. If this room belonged to the Zodiac committee I’d be forced to sprawl on the floor. I decided to sit on a sunburnt leather twisty chair with a cushion that showed some sort of atlas.

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