alien: AN URBAN WOUND: Puzzle Piece

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[Reverse: Gabrielle Aplin]


It had been three days since the attack. Three days of sorrow. Three days of tears. The mystic police left yesterday still on the hunt for more aliens, including me. Dawn and her crew went into hiding with me in an abandoned church a few blocks away. The alien population were taken away in huge air ships covered in cherry knives. This spoke fear and evil. The knives emotionally murdered a few children deceiving their cherry loving minds. Their parents left them to die. 

Out of terror.

A terror that still lingers everywhere where my lucid thoughts run. 


Right now Dawn’s circle sit round a fire to keep warm. They are smiling, giggling. They are happy. I am sad. 

I am high above in a blossom tree. Thinking about what I’ll face tomorrow or even if I’ll make it into tomorrow. 

“Oi Andie come with us.” A girl with called Beatrix Rose yells from beneath the tree. A boy with blonde straight hair like her comes into view and says. 

“Come down. Hang out with us” I want to jump down but I am scared I’ll hurt my arm so I simply disagree but Beatrix insists.

“I’ll get you down”

Like a swift ninja Beatrix somersaults into the air and her feet latch onto the tree trunk. She slithers up the trunk with ease and puts me on her back. Then somersaults down thrusting me to the floor. I scream as I land on my shot wound.

“Oh come it was just a shot wound, man up” Beatrix says chucking a something metal at my forehead. “Drink this bitch!”

I slowly get up and head over to where they are sitting. The metal object was a beer can. They are rambling on and on about stupid and irrelevant stuff at a time like this. I clear my throat and say, “Um excuse me, shouldn’t we be on our way to the zodiac. We need to warn people about the attack. They’ll strike Welfare first, then Expertise-“

“Can’t we just enjoy ourselves for one night jeez?” A boy called Adrian Starr says. The rest agree except for Edward. Who is still in recovery from the wound. He just stares at me but is subdued to agree with the rest. 

“Drink up Andie.” Dawn says.

“Err I have stopped drinking. It’s a horrid habit.” They roar with laughter. I feel like drinking it but with one look at my locket I stay strong. I stay on track.

“I’ll be back.” Are my last words before I leave the circle. They don’t take notice. They continue barking like a pack of wolves as I scamper out of view towards the Kruger household. Where saving the world begins...

I walk along the rose parlour and make out where Bernie made that speech about evangelism. That warms my heart. I leap out of my skin as a cold hand grabs my waist and pulls me into a thorn bush covering my mouth. Then the voice whispers,

“Andie it’s me don’t worry”. I turn around to find Ansel painted with bruises, scars and cuts.

“Ansel what are you doing will you stop scaring me.” I say with horror.

“Look, If I hadn’t of grabbed you would of been dead. The mystics know you are here Andie. I saw the a few trucks speeding along the riverbank bridge, so I decided to look for you. I decided to leave the mystic pride alliance. What you said really touched me. You always do. And- I cannot thank you enough. I guess I when I was sent to masquerade as an alien and give the mystic council information I was unsure, but they said they would ensure my family would have enough food for the rest of their lives. They all live in the Expertise region happy as ever. Look I am so sorry. I know it was selfish but- I just. I’m sorry.”

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2014 ⏰

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