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*Simon's P.O.V*

I looked down at my feet in embarrassment as Robyn kept on walking up the stairs. I could tell I was bright red by the way she was smirking. I had so many unanswered questions I think I might have exploded. How did she know my name? Where did she come from? What are her and Nanny McPhee doing here? Why is she so incredibly gorgeous?

Did I seriously just think that? Nope, nope, she is pretty though. No, Simon stop it she is here with her mother and she will be gone soon. You cannot fall for this girl.

I got to the top of the stairs, ready to create havoc when I heard noise coming from the bathroom. I peered through the open door and saw Robyn helping everyone get ready for bed.

"What are you all doing?"

"We are getting ready for bed."

"You should too, Simon if you don't want to get into trouble." Said Robyn, washing Aggies rattle in the sink.

"No. We've gotten rid of the last 17 nannies. I'm planning on getting rid of this one as well."

"Good luck." And with that she gave Aggie to Tora and quietly left the room with a wide grin on her face.

"What's that supposed to mean?"


"Come on then Simon. Get changed before nanny McPhee comes in and does some more magic or something." I got changed and started jumping on the beds. Soon everyone had joined in a part from Tora and Aggie. About 5 minutes later, Nanny McPhee and Robyn came into the room. Everyone stopped immediately and ran into bed, under the covers, though I took my sweet time.
(A/N) I forgot the next actual lines so I just used my own versions of it.
"You know Nanny McPhee, you must feel at a terrible disadvantage."

"And why is that?"

"We know your names, but you don't know ours." Giggling started and I tried to look as innocent as possible.

"Well, I'm Oglington Fartworthy."


"That's F-A-R-T FARTworthy" laughter erupted from everyone. Including a small chuckle from Robyn. All the others came up with stupid, funny names and we were exploding with laughter.

"Thank you for the introductions" said Nanny McPhee.

"Good night Agatha, Goodnight Sebastian, Goodnight Chrissy, Goodnight Eric, Goodnight Tora, Goodnight Lilly and Goodnight Simon." We all just stared at her in shock. Robyn was barely managing to hold back her laughter.

"Robyn, would you mind explaining to the children how we work? I must go down to mister brown and tell him the news."

"Of course." Nanny McPhee left the room and Robyn stood in the middle of the room.

"Now, as I'm sure you'll all know, me and my mother are here as nannies. We have a way in which we work and it applies to every family we work with."

"What is it? You have to put a spell on us that makes us work like robots until you leave?" Eric sniggered.

"No Eric. Be quiet. When you need us, but do not want us, we must stay. When you want us, but no longer need us, then we have to go."

"Why would we ever want you?" I said as a clever remark.

"You'll be surprised how much you'll want us here in the end." What a cheeky person. Who knew nannies could be so sarcastic.

She went up to the window and sat on the little rocking chair. She began to swing back and forth, her deep brown eyes staring out the window.

I can't leave you now//Simon BrownWhere stories live. Discover now