Really Magic

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*Simons P.O.V*

"Well done Simon!"


"Such a brilliant idea!"

"I definitely didn't see right through your plan." A voice said. I peered to the doorway and of course, there she was. I looked down at my feet and blushed a little before looking back up with my ever so famous smirk plastered onto my face.

"How did you know?" Sebastion asked.

"Well, my mother has been a nanny for a long time. I pick things up."

I watched her wonder over to the window and sit in the chair with a bottle in her hands. Everyone was still laughing but I didn't understand why Robyn seemed so calm. Then, I began to feel a little warm. At first I thought it was just blushing so I hid my face but then it got worse. My temperature was rising and spots were appearing on my skin.

"I don't feel well" said Chrissy.

My arms were beginning to itch and I had a terrible scratch in my throat. I tried getting up for some water but I couldn't move.

"Simon, I can't get up." Tora exclaimed.

"Neither can I!"

"I can't get up"

Everyone was struggling to sit up, kicking their legs every which way and pushing their arms on the bed. Nothing was working. Eventually everyone gave up and later back down.

"Hypnosis ey, bang goes that theory" Eric huffed. I looked back to Robyn to see that she was giggling. She soon got up and took out a spoon from her pocket. She scanned over at everyone and her eyes landed on me and stayed there for a while. I could sense myself turning red so I his my face back under the covers.

"Simon, get up, you have to take your medicine." I heard her say with that beautiful voice of he- wait no. Not again Simon concentrate on disliking her. She. Is. A. Nanny.

"I don't want to take any medicine." I mumbled from in my bed.

"You have to other wise you won't get better" Robyn said as she opened the bottle and poured a disgusting looking liquid onto her spoon. She moved it closer to my mouth and I reluctantly opened it. I placed my hand on top of hers and put the spoon in my mouth.

Once I got the medicine, I pulled it out, but seeing as I had to take this disgusting horrible thing, I thought I'd have some fun with Robyn. I kept a hold of her hand and squeezed it tight as I attempted swallowing the oozing brown medicine.

Her cheeks were starting to turn a light pink so I knew what I was doing was working. I looked up to her with pleading eyes and gestured to my cheek for a kiss. Robyn smirked and shook her head.

"Not until you swallow" she chuckled. I saw Eric in the corner of my eye silently laughing his head off. I'm am so gonna get him later. Finally, I got the medicine to the back of my throat and swallowed. A horrible urge suddenly took a hold of me and I started to gag, almost but not quite bringing the liquid back up.

After I stopped gagging I realized Robyn had already gone through the rest of the children and was already back on her chair. I suddenly remembered the kind of deal she made with me and smirked. I waved at her and gestured for her to come to me. I tapped nt cheek with my finger and smiled when she got up and waled over to me.

Robyn leant over and went to kiss my cheek. As I realized no one else was watching, at the last moment I turned my head and let her kiss my lips. Oh my god Simon. You like her.

I like her.



Gosh its been a while hasn't it. I've just been awfully busy with revision and school and stuff. I'm sorry for the short chapter, its just I have so many ideas but I just can't find the right words to put them down. If any of you have writing tips, they would be greatly appreciated.

I don't know when the next time I'm going to upload is because my birthday is in 4 DAYS OMG THE 29th OF JUNE WHISH ME HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!. Or don't, your decision.

ANYWAYS, this is taking too long.

K bai. Xxx

I can't leave you now//Simon BrownWhere stories live. Discover now