Falling for you

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*Robyn's P.O.V*

I pulled away quickly realizing what I was doing. My face was bright red and so was Simon's. Luckily everyone else in the room had turned away so no one noticed. I hope. I got off the bed and speed walked out of the room to avoid any further embarrassment.

~~~woo time skip~~~

My nose crumpled at the scent of the disgusting broth Cook had made for the children. I decided to not think about what happened between Simon and I as I helped everyone at least eat a little of their dinner. It wasn't working. Anytime I looked over to him, I couldn't help but blush like crazy. This really could not be happening. I hadn't even known him a week.

Eventually everyone had 'finished' and I was free to do what I wanted. As I didn't want to further embarrass myself I decided to explore the garden of this house.

It was quite large and so I thought it would be fun to maybe have a little run around. I don't get to act like a kid very often because of my mother's job therefore the moments I do grab are the best times of my life. Although, it did tire me out after a while, so when I was done skipping and having fun, I made my way back into the house and all the way up to my mother and I's room. Mother wasn't in there so she must have been checking on the children.

I snapped my fingers and settled into my chair in the corner. Taking any random book from the shelf, I began to read. Reading was something I adored to do as it always felt as if I was being transported into a complete other world. i could escape reality and become a part of a different universe. But of course all good things have to come to an end.

I heard a knock at the door and of course it was my mother. I finished the sentence I was reading and looked up to her with a confused expression.

"Robyn, darling, can you go down and stay with the children, I believe they are quite bored considering they've been in their beds all day." she asks. Knowing I would have no way around this, I placed my book back on the shelf, tidied up my hair and made my way down to the children's room.

All the children were having their own conversations, quite loud ones might I add, apart from one. Of course it was Simon. Why wouldn't it be?

I sighed and walked over to the rocking chair (obviously) trying my hardest to ignore the smirks and stares coming from a certain Simon. I know it's probably really rude to completely block someone out but I was still way too embarrassed to face him.

What if he hated it? So now he hates me. Well done Robyn you just ruined your one chance with a guy. wait what no. There wasn't a chance to ruin in the first place. Why are you so embarrassed? It was never going to happen.

"Why do you look so sad, Robyn?" I hear from somewhere behind me.

"I'm not sad Sebastian, I'm just thinking." I reply.

"What are you thinking about?" Lily joins in.

"Just..." I look over to Simon and see him with the biggest smirk, his eyes burning into mine, "just some random thoughts". I turn to look around the room and see Eric looking at Simon in the strangest way. Deciding to brush it off, I continued talking to the children, joining in any conversations and obviously disregarding the deep brown eyes that wouldn't look away from me.

*Simon's P.O.V*

Why can't she look at me? Was it really that bad? I didn't think so. It kind of upset me, the fact that she couldn't even glance at me, but I couldn't let her know that. That would mean Eric was right. I can't let that happen.

I tried my best to put the biggest smirk on my face to try and get her to look, but she just wouldn't. I have to talk to her about it. Alone. Tomorrow, when I'm out of bed, I'll ask her to talk to me. Hopefully it goes well, otherwise I could lose one of the only chances I'm going to get at love. wait what no. I can't like her. She's a nanny, this shouldn't be happening. But I want it to.

I know I know I'm sorry I haven't posted. But now I have so yayyyy!!
I hope you like this one. Literally all it is, is Robyn being embarrassed but I thought it was cute. Kind of. Hoping you do too.

I've been busy with school but now I guess I have no excuseee.

It can be difficult for me to write this though, because keep in mind I'm not an actual writer. I just had some ideas and wanted to share them with those who would listen. If anyone would like to share ideas with me, comment them, they would be really useful❤

Also here's a bee🐝 just to say sorry.
okay bye loveliess xxx

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2020 ⏰

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