The Measles

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*Robyn's P.O.V*

I shut the children's bedroom door and walked downstairs to see my mother waiting at the bottom for me on an armchair.

"I heard you singing up there my darling, was there any reason you chose that specific song?" She asked, a small smile forming on her lips.

"No, I just thought it was a nice softer song to sing that also had an important meaning." I explained, badly hiding the real fact why I chose it.

"I understand. You do however, have a brilliant talent. You should put it to use one day."

"No, don't say that, I'm not that good."

"Don't doubt yourself my dear. Now, shall we talk to Mister Brown."

"We shall." Both me and my mother walked over to the door and carefully pushed it open. After knocking of course.

"Good evening Mr Brown." She started. He jumped up out of his seat as if he was startled.

"Sorry, I was j-just talking to know."

"We understand Mr Brown."

"Oh umm... Alright then. May I ask, what do you need."

"Nothing. We simply came to say that lesson one, to say please, is complete."

"Lesson one?"

"Robyn, if you would care to explain."

"Mr Brown, we are here to teach your children 5 lessons. Our first lesson, to say please, is complete. Therefore we have 4 left until we can leave." I concluded.

"Ah. I see."

"Goodnight Mr Brown"

"Uh.. Goodnight."


*Simon's P.O.V*

I woke up to an extremely loud and annoying noise coming from the front of the bedroom. I swiftly sat up and rubbed my eyes. Once they focused I saw Nanny McPhee holding a strange looking trumpet in her hand and Robyn standing behind, pulling what looked like ear plugs from her ears.

"Rise and shine children." I groaned and sat up in bed to see what they wanted.

"I expect you all to be up, dressed and outside for fresh air before breakfast."

"What! Outside?"

"Yes. Now get ready. I'll leave Robyn to assist you."

Nanny McPhee left and Robyn went and sat down on the rocking chair. She was wearing a flowy black dress that reached to her knees and black, flat shoes. Her long brown hair was half up, half down and a black headband kept any stray hairs back. She had taken off her glasses and they were hanging from the collar of her dress.

"Now children, get dressed and brush your teeth. If anyone needs help don't hesitate to ask."

Then she pulled out her book and started to read. If I'm being honest, she looked really pretty and peaceful today. If she wasn't a nanny I'd be happy to let her stay here with us. But she is one so, I have to get rid of her, right?

*Robyn's P.O.V*

I was in the middle of helping Chrissy with her shoes when a loud crash can from the bathroom. I ran in there to see Eric laying on the floor underneath the now broken sink.

"Eric what on earth are you doing?"

"I was err... fixing it."

"Tell the truth Eric."

I can't leave you now//Simon BrownWhere stories live. Discover now