5 / What the fuck?

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5 / What the fuck?

It's finally the weekend, and I'm not sure how I truly feel about it.

Tomorrow is the welcoming party, and my siblings are grounded, with no electronics. They're driving me insane with their nagging and doing anything they can think of to get out of it. They've resorted to cleaning anything and everything in the house from dirt, dust, or bacteria of any sorts.
They cleaned - no, waxed - the kitchen floor. Once I stepped onto the sparkling tile floor, I slipped right on my ass and started sliding to the other side of the room.

I stood up from my spot with difficulty, until an idea came to mind. I climbed onto the counter next to the sink before calling out for my siblings to come to the kitchen. I waited for a bit, no one coming around the corner. That is, until I yelled that they can be ungrounded if they came. That's when I heard the pounding of feet on the floor, rushing to the kitchen. They all came around the corner at once, and made the mistake of taking a step onto the waxed floor. Morgan was sliding to the other side in a flash, panic in her eyes as she fell to the floor, finishing the slide. The twin's on the other hand, their legs got twisted into each other as they tumbled down. Zach landed on Bryson and they collided with the table.

I couldn't keep in my laughter, tears spilling from my eyes as I keep replaying my siblings fall.

"Addi! Whyyy?" Zach cries out, as Bryson groans underneath his twin.

"I feel so betrayed right now," Morgan whines.

"Now you know how I felt when I came crashing down as well. I want you guys to fix this floor ASAP."

Zach climbs off his brother, grabbing the table and sitting down on one of the chairs. He helps his twin up, getting a chair out for him to sit on as well.

"And then we won't be grounded anymore?" Morgan asks, sitting on the floor.

I look at her and then towards the twins, hope shimmering in their eyes. I sigh, "I'll think about it, okay?"

"Yes!" The twins cheer, standing up and throwing a fist into the air.

"But that doesn't mean it's a guaranteed yes."

"Aw come on!" Bryson yells, stomping his foot - then panic floods his eyes and he slips again, taking Zach down with him.

"Dude!" Zach exclaims, punching Bryson's arm. Morgan and I laugh, watching them bicker back and forth.

Maybe this weekend won't be so bad.

• • • • •

I wake up Saturday morning, with my body sprawled out, on my stomach and my legs tangled in my blanket. I lift myself up, wiping away the drool that I'm always greeted with every morning. I pick up the book I fell asleep with, I get up from the bed and set it down on my nightstand. I lift my arms up, stretching and letting out a yawn.

I feel refreshed and that usually doesn't happen when I wake up, but then again I'm not waking up at 5 am for school.

I stand up and walk to the bathroom, away from the comfort of my bed and stare at myself in the mirror. My hair was all over the place, noticeable tangles were shown, and the oils on my face made it shine brighter than it normally should.

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