1 / What is your deal?

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1 / What is your deal?

I sit in class with my head down low, writing down notes that the teacher presents onto the board.

I feel something lightly hit the back of my head and hear snickers that follow after. I ignore it, pretending as if it never happened because what else am I going to do? Yell at them for something so small as a piece of paper hitting my head? I don't see the point in wasting my breath on delinquents who think penis jokes are still hilarious. All it'll do is cause an unnecessary uprising in this classroom, and I don't feel like out smarting these annoying fucks with real knowledge that I know they'll never comprehend with their pea sized brains since it only consists of a high level of 5th grade maturity jokes.

As you can see, I'm not too fond of my fellow classmates. They believe they're high up in society and have the privilege to spread their stupidity wherever they walk. Their heads are too high up in their asses that I don't even think they can smell their own bullshit anymore. Its just a fact.

I feel as if immaturity and stupidity is expanding at a rapid speed as if it's a dangerous disease that you can catch easily. I'm just hoping it won't get to me, I can't afford that shit especially if I plan on going to college. You can't get a scholarship with just a pretty face and spreading your legs. Sorry, but my dignity is more important than a pathetic duty that, sadly, almost every girl does at my school - including the teachers too. Apparently sleeping with high schoolers can make you feel young again.

"Who's piece of paper is that on the ground?" The teacher stands there with his arms crossed and his foot tapping rapidly, his brown eyes squinting at everyone in the room.

I look back down at my notes, rolling my eyes. Of course no one will come forward, claiming that it was them who has done it.

"I'll confess..."

I stand corrected, I guess in the flock of the immatures, someone will come forward.

"Addison is the one who threw it."

Nope, I was right. No one will take blame for anything around here.

Wait a fucking second. What the hell did pea brain say?

I turn around quickly to find the corrupt and see Mal Pone, pointing her accusing finger at me. A smug expression was placed upon her face as she gave me a look in my direction.

I turn back to the teacher, "this was most certainly not of my doing. Why would I throw a piece of paper onto the ground when a recycling bin is right there in walking distance?"

"She was trying to throw it at me but she doesn't have a very good arm and missed completely."

"That doesn't make any sense whatsoever ."

"Is this true, Addison? Were you trying to throw it at Mal?" Mr. Merok asks, giving me a stern look.

"No it's not, what would I gain from throwing a piece of paper at Mal?" I state.

"She is the only person with a piece of paper out.. no one else does," Marcus Pone points out.

Mal and Marcus are twins, both very deceiving and manipulative students in our school. I guess you can say that they run the school, since everyone bows down to their commands. They both have blonde hair; Mal has long, straight strands that stop exactly at her hips while Marcus has thin, straight strands that he always gels up at the front. They both have a big, brown mole on the left corner of their mouths - you'd have to be blind as a bat to not be able to see it. Mal has golden brown eyes and Marcus has light hazel eyes that somehow has my fellow feminine classmates swoon over about. They're both pretty tall, with Mal being about 5'10 and then Marcus is 6'2 which just makes it so much better because no guy is taller than Marcus and no girl is taller than Mal. It's why they overrule everyone here because apparently being taller makes you more superior than others.

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