Chapter 18

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The woman, whose name they had learned was Mary, spent the time configuring the cure to explain everything she knew about Thomas and WICKED. Newt had zoned out in the very beginning as he watched over (Y/N). Her breathing was labored and her chest spasmed in no particular order but the grip on his hand seemed normal.

Newt was tired of having false hope so he didn't believe Mary would be able to actually save (Y/N) with this "cure". If it had been so easy, wouldn't WICKED have found it by now? The boy would have learned that answer had he been paying attention to Mary as she talked.

Mary stood right beside the bed as she prepared to inject (Y/N) with the syringe. He held onto (Y/N), worried that if Mary messed up, this might send (Y/N) into shock and unintentionally make it worse. He watched Mary injected her and almost cried when (Y/N) sighed in relief, her chest returning to its normal pattern.

Thomas and Mary, now seeing that what she had done worked, decided to give the two some space. Just before they left, Newt grabbed their attention. "Thank you." With soft smiles, the pair exited the tent, leaving just (Y/N) and Newt behind.

Time went by and (Y/N) seemed to make progress albeit slow. The black veins sprouted from the bite recessed to the point that all that's left is the scar on her leg. Her breathing was much better now too, the rapid inhales reduced to their regular intakes. Thomas's blood worked.

Newt was relieved of watching her for a couple minutes thanks to his newfound sister. Harriet told him where to change into warmer clothes while Sonya stayed back to keep an eye on (Y/N), an act that had Newt becoming certain that she was in fact his sister.

When he came back, he saw that (Y/N) was now awake and having a hushed conversation with Sonya.

"His name was Alby," (Y/N) spoke, Newt perking up at the familiar name. "He was Newt's best friend."

Sonya smiled (Newt couldn't see it) and reached in her pocket to pull something out. It wouldn't be for another few minutes that Newt would be able to see the object she was holding: a sea shell tied on a long strand of yarn.

"Ours was Abby," Sonya replied. "She wasn't really close to anyone—wanting to find a way out for us instead of making friends. She gave this to me a month before we escaped and asked me to protect the girls in case anything happened to her." (Y/N) took the outstretched necklace and ran her thumb over the white and tan colored shell. "I still don't know why she chose me. I wasn't a leader or anything."

Handing back the necklace, (Y/N) said, "I'm sure she had a good reason."

Sonya nodded while slipping the necklace around her neck this time. Newt tried to get closer into the room to see and hear the girls better but as he did, he tripped over a vine and stumbled into the room, both girls now aware of his presence.

Sonya smiled at her brother but looked back at (Y/N). "I'll leave you two to it. See you guys later." She stood up from the cot and exited the tent, leaving the couple alone once again.

(Y/N) didn't move from her cot so she had to wait for Newt to take the seat that Sonya was just sitting in. As he sat down, (Y/N) took the time to notice his new outfit which included fingerless gloves and a new jacket. She figured that once she left this tent, they would give her warmer clothes as well but underneath this blanket made it so it was unnecessary now.

"Hey love," Newt reached for her hands, instantly commenting about their lack of warmth. Her hands were then pressed between both of his with his lips blowing air at them to warm them up. All the while, (Y/N) smiled at the lovely man in front of her trying to make her warm.

"Newt." Her smile faded and he noticed. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you about the bite. I just... I didn't want you to know cause then it would have felt real."

Newt gently shushed her and released her hands so that he could press his to her cheek. "Darling, I'm not mad. I'm sorry that you had to go through that, alone especially, but you're okay. In a few months, Tommy will give you another dose of the serum and everything will be fine. I promise."

The warm smile Newt had on his face spread to hers just as her eyes closed while relishing in the feeling of him cupping her cheek. His eyes sparkled as he gazed upon her calm features. This was the most relaxed he had seen her in a while and he was very damn grateful to the Right Arm (and his sister) for allowing her this chance at peace. Now they just had to hope it would stay that way.

(Y/N) was feeling a lot better and now that the sickness was wearing off, the childlike whining that would replace it was starting to come in. She sat up on the cot, despite Newt's protests and attempts to keep her down, and crawled over so that her head would lie in his lap.

Newt wouldn't argue with that and brushed his fingers through her tangled hair. As they sat there for a long time, Newt brushed out all of the knots and lulled (Y/N) back to sleep. Breaking that span of silence, a girls voice snapped Newt to turn around although carefully as to not disrupt his sleeping lover.

"I can take it from here." Sonya told her brother in a whisper when she saw (Y/N) asleep in his lap. Newt needed a break and his friends atop the hill wanted an update on the girl in bed; she figured now was a good time as any to give him a second break.

Newt was extra cautious to set (Y/N) gently back onto the cot and get up from his seat. Thanking Sonya, he took one last glance at (Y/N) before leaving the tent and allowing Sonya to sit back where Newt was just sitting.

She lost her brother somewhere in a past that she couldn't remember and she was lucky enough to find him again. But in that time that they were apart, Newt happened to fall in love with a pretty girl who would complete him in ways a sister couldn't. She had already thanked (Y/N) for everything she did for Newt when he was changing into warmer clothes but she hoped that she could find a way to repay her for it, even if it meant watching over her as she recovered from a crank bite. 

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