3-why can't you listen-3

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The bell rang when it hit eight, the students covered the halls finding there classrooms. Clem's first class was Science which was good cause that was the first one Mariana had shown her. When she stepped into the class the teacher was talking with a student. "Excuse me?" Clementine asked as she walked up to her. The teacher looked over at Clem and smiled. "You must be the new here, I'm miss Amber" Miss Amber said cheerfully "you can sit wherever you want" then she turned away and started talking to the student again. Clementine decided to sit alone until someone had to sit by her. Surprisingly the next student to enter the room plopped right down next to Clem. It was a girl, she had short black hair with red glasses. She got out a book and began reading, Clem was going to say hi but didn't want to bother her. The teacher started to speak to the class, most of the people stopped talking but a few girls in the back kept chatting.
Thirty minutes pasted in the class, it felt like it was taking hours for attendance and showing everything in the room. After the class was done Clem got up and slowly walked closer to the door. When she got in the hall everyonr huried there classes, the students pushed by her, most of the eight graders talked and laughed when they reached there classrooms.

After all the classes where done Clem wondered the hall looking for her locker. A group of girls we're leaning on some lockers, it was the girls from before who didn't stop talking in Science. Clementine looked at the number of locker they we're leaning on. It was #25 which was her's. Clem rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. "Can you please move?" She said to the girls. The leader or it looked like, has short blonde hair, a tiny skirt that didn't even reach her knees. The other two were wearing simple clothing, t-shirts and jeans. They looked over at Clementine, there nasty faces looked like they weren't gonna move that easy. "Excuse me?" The girl said looking at Clementine up and down. "I said, can you please move?" Clem said alittle louder acting like they had hearing problems. The girl looked at her friends then back at Clementine. "Nice hat" she reached her hand and snatched it off her head. "Give that back!" Clem stepped toward her but the blonde put hair up in the air. "Come on Vic, we can do this to Duck, he's more dumb then she is" said one of her friends crossing there arms. Vic rolled her eyes, she walked away from Clementine tossing the Hat in the garage can. "Hey!" Clem ran to the garage and dug into it, when she found the hat it was covered in bananas. "Ugh" she sighed "Great" Clementine walked to her locker and opened it with her code


When she shoved her bag into the locker a figure stood next to her. "Hey Clem!" The voice said. Clementine turned her head and saw Marinna smiling back at her. "Hey Mari" Clem said closing the locker and walked to the cafeteria followed by Marinna.

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