The Gang's girl// Johnny Cade love story❤️

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I sat on the couch waiting for the boys to get home. They all went to a rumble and I was anxious to see who came back in the worst shape. I knew I would end up doing all the chores tomorrow, because all of them would be to sore to move. But I didn't mind, I liked helping out, that's why Darry is always trying to keep me around. Not that any of the gang is trying to get rid of me. I'm everyone's kid sister.

"We're back!" Two yelled with a cocky smile. I giggled and jumped up to hug him. I know they can handle rumbles, but it still scares me when they go. "Wow, someone's happy to see me!" He laughed. I pushed passed him and hugged all of them quickly.

"You know the routine, Two, you guys leave, beat some ass, then come home and get hugs from me!" I said happily as I walked to the bathroom to get the first aid kit. They all sat down and smiled. "Okay, who needs to most work?" I asked as I walked back into the living room. Everyone glanced at Pony, I had a feeling it would be him. Not because he was weak, but because he hasn't had as much experience as the rest of the boys.

"That would be me." He said quietly. I smiled sweetly and sat next to him. He leaned back and closed his eyes.

"So, how was it? Anything exciting happen?" I asked as I started cleaning Pony's cuts.

"I stole a Soc's watch! It has to be worth at least $100!" Dally smiled, holding up a beautiful watch. I giggled and rolled my eyes.

"Wow Dall, it sure is pretty!" I glanced at it and wrapped Pony's arm up. He smiled more and put it back in his pocket. I looked at the rest of the gang while finishing up with pony. "Johnnycake, what happened to your neck?" I asked, looking at a nice sized cut on his neck. I was hoping it was from the rumble. Because if it came from his old man we'd have some problems. I hated seeing what his parents do to him, he's such a sweet kid. I've offered him a room at my house but he only shook his head and looked down.

"Some soc brought a blade. Damn cheaters" He said quietly. I walked over to him and observed to cut closer. He winced when I tried to clean it. I put my hand on his shoulder.

"It's okay Johnnycakes, if I don't clean it, it might get infected." I said sweetly, trying again to clean it. He relaxed a little and closed his eyes.

"You sure know how to calm a man, y/n, have you ever thought about being a nurse or a doctor?" Soda asked. I smiled a little and continued to clean Johnny's cuts.

"Well, I have a little, but I doubt I'll ever get out of Tulsa." I said, gently dabbing the blood from Johnny's cheek.

"Now don't you say that, y/n, you have just as much of a chance at college than the Socs." Darry said, he hated when I said things like that. Besides Pony, he usually put the most pressure on me to get good grades and keep my attendance up at school.

"I know Dar, but what's gonna happen to you guys when I go, huh? Who's gonna clean you all up after a rumble or make an excuse to why Dal can't get arrested?" I said, not looking away from Johnny's cut.

Everyone looked down. I hated when Dar brought me leaving up. I could tell the gang got uncomfortable about the subject. "Don't let us hold you back, Y/n... We all wish the best for you... maybe one day you can own a nice house and have a nice husband.." Johnny said softly. This time it was me who winced.

"Oh, Johnny... you know I care about you guys more than anything in the world... I wouldn't be alive if it weren't for you.." I finished cleaning his cuts and moved to Sodapop. It was true, 4 years previously I was walking down the street when 5 Socs got out of a blue mustang and starting beating the living hell out of me. If it weren't for Johnny sitting right across the street I probably would've died that night.

"That's still no reason for us to hold you back from living." Steve spoke up for the first time since the rumble. "Johnnycake didn't save you that night just so you could be our personal caregiver, ya know?" He continued. I took a deep breath and quickly cleaned everyone else up.

"But he didn't save me just so I could walk out of your guys' life after 4 years later either!" I stood up and walked out the door. I could really use a cigarette right now, well, if I smoked. I knew the gang would come running out here in a minute. So I just sat on the steps and played with my ring.

Just as I thought, a few moments later everyone came running out.

"Y/n! We're so sorry... We didn't mean to make you upset... We just know how important your future is to you..." Darry said. They all crowded around me, Dally put a jacket over my shoulders. I sighed and looked at their pleading stares.

"It's alright... Just stop asking me to leave all the time." I smiled. They all smiled back.

"We would never ask you to leave" Soda said. I giggled and stood up.

"Yeah, I know. You guys would be lost without me" I playfully flipped my hair.

"Come on, let's go get some cake and celebrate another win of this rumble." Steve smiled and stood up too.

We all filed into the kitchen as Darry cut even pieces and handed them out.

"Dibs on sitting next to y/n!" Johnny said. I giggled and sat on the couch. He walked over and plopped down right next to me. I couldn't help but blush. I always had a thing for Johnny. But no one was ever gonna know that!


My Angel❤️// A Johnny Cade love story Where stories live. Discover now