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{A declaration or assurance that one will do a particular thing or that a particular thing will happen. }

Red pov

Im so pissed right now. Not only am I angry at the fact that she pushed me away but that she didn't even try to stop me from leaving. I should go over there and beat her up for hurting my feelings but I don't want to see her right now. I went into Leo's condo using the key he gave me and went straight to the kitchen. I'm so hungry I ain't eat shit all day cuz she let me fall asleep. I pulled out a Olive Garden container and put it in the microwave. When you grow up basically starving you tend to not be a very picky eater.

I heard some hard knocks on the door and I ignored it. The microwave dinged so I took the food out grabbing a fork. I didn't even get to fully open the container before I heard even louder knocks on the door.

"What the fuck do you want!" I screamed slamming the fork down and stomping to the door.

I didn't even look through the peep hole I just opened it and slapped whoever was right there. "Don't ever in yo fucking life bang on this damn door like you ain't got no damn sense!" I screamed while Amanda just stood there holding the side of her face.

"Tf you hit me for tho?" She whined and I felt bad cuz it looked like she was already crying.

"I didn't even hit you that hard." I said and pulled her into a hug.

"My face stings." She mumbled making me smile. Even tho I literally want to dog walk her ass for playing with feelings she still got this effect on me.

"And my feelings are hurt." I said pulling away and going back to the kitchen. I picked up my fork and was pissed to find what I was eating was Shrimp fettuccine. I'll eat mostly anything but I'm allergic to seafood. I know crazy how I work at a restaurant that mainly serves seafood yet in allergic. As long as I don't have to touch any of it I'm fine.

"You not gon get me no ice." I heard the big baby whine as she came in the kitchen still holding her face.

"Yo hands work." I snapped throwing the fork into the sink and searching for something else to fulfill my hunger.

"What are you looking for?" She asked and I rolled my eyes.

"Food I'm starving."

"How about we order out and go back to my place." She said and I looked back to see her eyes pleading along with her.

"Uhm ok." I said and she grabbed my arm and practically dragged me back next door. She went and ordered the food while I sat in the living room not really doing anything.

She came back and sat right beside me. "I uhm need to tell you something before things get too outta hand but first you gotta promise me you won't just leave or judge me or call me n-" "just tell me you know i would never do that to you." I said cutting off her rambling.

"Just promise please." She was looking down messing with her fingers.

"Ight i promise." I said and intertwined our pinky's.

"My,uhm well i uhm, you know how I told you that, that, uhm." Her voice cracked and her eyes were watering as she tried to speak.

"It's ok take your time." I said holding onto her hand and gently squeezing it.

"I-Uh grew up with this girl. She was a couple years older than me but we were extremely close." Tears started streaming down her face and I tried to comfort her but she wouldn't let me.

"No let me talk," she said her voice cracking. "Her name was Monica, a few years went by and she-she killed herself." My heart damn near broke when she just started sobbing. It hurt worse because she wouldn't even let me touch her.

"I found her diary and there were so many entry's explaining exactly how she was gonna do it and that she couldn't because she wanted to be there for me. And now I think she's back." She said and just laid her head on my shoulder while she cried. The crazy part is I could tell that the whole time she was holding back some important information.

"What do you mean she's back?" I asked and she just handed me her phone. I looked at it and there was a text message from an unknown number. I read it and now I'm confused. How in the hell is somebody who's dead texting.

"She was never dead."

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