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While we were torpedoing through the ocean, my mind had become free. I felt alive, and happy. Especially with dad at my side. It really didn't take long to get there which was a surprise to me.

When we reached the palace, I thought: wow, this place is amazing. But we didn't have time to tour. Dad swam toward the underwater forges and beckoned me to follow. I swam towards him and followed until we made our way inside.

Uncle Tyson looked pretty busy but when he saw Dad, his eyes lit up and immediately stopped what he was doing to greet us.

"Percy! It's so great to see you! I've been so excited to see-"

Uncle Tyson looked down at me and smiled then got down on one knee to my level.

"Come here seaweed brain, and give your uncle Tyson a hug huh?"

I ran toward him and jumped into his arms giving him the biggest hug I could (which wasn't very big considering he's a big cyclops and I'm a 14 year-old demigod).

Uncle Tyson was careful not to squeeze too much. He tries to be more careful since he's more aware that he's a little stronger.
He put me down, and stood up.

"Tyson, you don't happen to know where dad is, do you? I thought he'd be here."

"Your guess is as good as mine. I thought he left for Olympus." Uncle Tyson said. "But I do know one thing. Today is a special day, because today, is someone's 14th birthday!"

I smile very wide with anticipation and excitement.

"Your Uncle Tyson is the best of the best when it comes to weaponry." Dad said. "He made me my own, very first shield from a wristwatch and even had designs of our adventures through the sea of monsters"

"Oh, I remember that! That was the story you told me on how you went on a quest through there to obtain the Golden Fleece and save Aunt Thalia's tree, right?"

"Exactly" He said.

"So what is this special weapon you made me, Uncle Tyson?"

My Cyclops Uncle, bent under the counter he was behind, and pulled out a small box made out of sea shells which I'll admit, for a second, I was admiring more of the craftsmanship of the box than thinking what was inside until my dad snapped me back to the present.

"Go ahead and open it, Grace. You earned it."
I smiled at my dad and Uncle Tyson, and I opened the box.

Inside, there was an aqua blue hair ribbon and a simple grey hair pin.

I was a little disappointed, yeah, but I tried to put on my best Thank-you-so-much face.


I turned toward my Dad.

"Things are not always what they seem."

I nodded remembering what Chiron the centaur at Camp Half Blood taught me.

"The most powerful weapons can look like the simplest objects. Just like your pen."

"On the nose. Give it a chance. I bet as soon as you pick it up, you'll be very happy that you did."

I nodded and turned back to the shell box and stared at the items inside. I picked up the ribbon first and when I shook it, it turned into a whip.

Maybe I should backtrack and explain myself.

A couple of years ago, I stumbled into the armory at Camp Half Blood. What I found, was a dirty old whip that probably hasn't been used in a very long time, but when I left, I took it with me and secretly, I'd go to the arena and practice with it. After a while, people took notice and came to watch. Eventually, word made way to my dad, and even he came to spectate one day and when he saw what I could do, he asked Chiron if he could help train me with his guidance. In the end, it payed off because now, I can use a sword and a whip at the same time with excellent skill, and I usually whip the other campers butts (no pun intended).

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