w r i t e a b o u t y o u

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I wish that I could write about you.
I wish that I could press your laugh into the spaces in my poetry and hold your smile in a single line.

I wish my writing could capture your sighs when your tired
And how they come out when you don't notice

I wish I could tell the way your breath hitches when I compliment you
How i can hear the smile in your voice.

I wish I could write about you.
How you remind me of a sky full of stars
All twinkling full of mystery

Teach me how to write about you.
How to capture your moans in a leatherbound book.
And to keep them to myself.
To kiss you like nobody is watching
And read each memory like a book left in a subway car.

Tell me how to write about you.
How to describe you as the light beneath the waves
A torch, a flame
How you hold fire beneath your skin and ever present blush on pale cheeks
How your eyes hold earth
Grounding me, and exciting me all the while.

Show me how to write about you.
So I'll still have you when your gone.

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