~2~ We Make a Mistake; We Make the World Ours ~<3~

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(Sep 5, 2014) "Because this is what I believe - that second chances are stronger than secrets. You can let secrets go. But a second chance? You don't let that pass you by."
Daisy Whitney wrote that in her book When You Were Here. I not only made a choice but also learned about the importance of second chances that day too. When he showed up. Yes, I knew Lucas Friar. We were friends in Texas. Until my friend and I screwed it up. Luckily, I was about to get a second chance at a friendship.

(Song ~ How to Save a Life - The Fray)


In the year that had gone by, he hadn't changed. At least on the outside. Yes, while he looked exactly the same, he had a whole different aura to him. He looked calmer... there wasn't that same challenging, fiery look in his eyes. We stayed silent, examining each other. Then we both started talking.

"I'm so, so sorry."
"I shouldn't have blamed you."

"Wait, what?" I asked, confused.

"I shouldn't have blamed the two of you." He said again.

"Yes, you had every right to blame us. If it wasn't for him, then none of this would've happened, and I should've just ignored those people," I protested, almost wanting him to be mad at me.

"He feels bad, you know. He misses you. Y'all were close." Lucas said, looking up at me.

"It's his fault. He was my best friend. I trusted him." I said, crossing my arms. "Anyway... what are you doing in New York?"

"Dunno... I'm working on starting over. My dad got a new job, and I figured this was my chance." He paused before looking down. "I've thought about that day so many times. Replayed what happened over and over. I chose to beat up Alex Hayes. You didn't make that choice. Zay didn't."

I thought about his words for a moment before blurting out. "They don't know about my mom."

He looked at me, confused. "How? I see how you are with Riley and Maya. How could they not know?"

"I told them it was cancer. My dad hasn't told anyone anything. I couldn't tell them. They would never talk to me again. Mr. and Mrs. Matthews were best friends with my mom. I'd lose my whole second family."

"It wasn't your fault Makenzie. You have to realize that."

I shook my head. "It was. Lucas, just... please don't tell them."

"Alright..." He sighed. "That's for you to tell, not me. I'm here for you though, remember that." I nodded and he smiled. "Alright then. I'm gonna get to class. See you later, sis."

I smiled. In Texas, we used to call each other. "I'm glad you're back, bro." He nodded smiling and started to walk out. "By the way, Friar. You hurt her I hurt you." I threatened, referring to Riley.

"Ay-ay Captain."


We were sitting in the cafeteria, watching Lucas look around. "Aww, look at him looking for a place to fit in," Maya said smiling.

"You think he'll sit with us?" Riley asked happily. I slid a chair next to Riley. Then, Farkle came and sat in the chair.

"Ladies." He said. We groaned in unison. "Farkle."

"Interesting lunch line dilemma." He looked at Maya. " Sloppy joe," He looked at me. "Tacos" He looked at Riley." or chicken pot pie? Or sloppy joe, or Tacos, or chicken pot pie? "

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