~Extra Chapter~ Orange is Better!!

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Lol here's a filler because I'm not inspired at all rn (also I posted an original song on YouTube and Instagram (along with a few covers), so DM me if you'd want to see that...)

"I don't know what you're talking about! Orange is by far the best!!" I argued back.

"I can tell you for a fact that cherry is better." Zay said, crossing his arms defiantly. We were sitting on a bench at the park, eating sno-balls. I was about to argue back, when my phone rang.

"I'm so sorry... hold on a sec..." I answered the phone. "Hello?"

"Hey kid." Shawn said, causing me to gasp.

"Farkle actually called you? How the heck did he even get your number."

"What? I'm confused."

"Wait you're not calling me because Farkle put you up to it?"

"No. Is there something I should know?"

"No, no. It's fine, everything's fine."

"Okay then... I was just checking in. What are you doing?"

"I'm at the park with a friend."

"Oh, who?"

"No one... I just know him from school..."

"Hold on, did you say him?"

"Got to go, love you, bye!" I exclaimed hanging up. I'll have that talk later.

"Who was that?" Zay laughed.

"Shawn, my... dad. I'm not ready to have the boy talk with him yet."

"I think Lucas was ready to kill me at lunch today." Zay said, grinning.

"I honestly found the whole situation hilarious."

"Of course you did." He said, shaking his head. We stayed silent for a few minutes, looking around the park. "Have you ever wondered how different our lives would be if the Texas incident never happened?" Zay asked suddenly, causing me to frown.

"I don't know... We wouldn't be as close I don't think... There's something about going through a big situation that changes a friendship."

"We'll then I'm glad that it happened." Zay said. "I can't imagine not being this close with you." And I hate to admit it, but I blushed.


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