~10~Parental Problems ~<3~

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(Oct. 21)"People will let you down in this life, promises will be broken, you should expect less of others and trust more in yourself." - Leon Brown

I should have expected it, but I didn't. I know, really short of an ending, but that's really all I have to say.


(Song ~ 7 Years - covered by Leah Guest)

Because of budget cuts Music Class, which had been made an elective class, was every other day. So, some days I did Music and some days I did Art. Our assignment this week was to write a song based on ourselves, then play it. I had worked on it during the weekend, and had really worked on making it 'me'.

"Miss Huxton, why don't you go." Our Music teacher, Mr. Francis suggested. I grabbed my guitar, walked to the front, and started to sing my song. (The lyrics will be later in the chapter) When I finished the song with a final strum, I immediately received claps. I blushed a bit, sitting back down in my chair.

After class ended, Mr. Francis pulled me aside. "There's an art show coming up Makenzie, and I wanted to have a musical piece in it. I want you to consider playing your song." He said.

"Umm... I'm not sure, I'll have to think about it." I replied shyly, and he nodded.

"Just consider it."


At lunch, I had filled the gang in on the offer I got in Music I was still unsure about it though. Career Day was tomorrow, and my dad had promised to come. He didn't have anything on his schedule for work that day, so he definitely could come.

"Promise me you'll be there," I said, sitting at the dining room table.

"Cmon Kenz! When have I let you down." My dad told me. I tried to hide the frown on my face.

"OK, just promise me."

"I promise." He said, holding out his pinky so I could loop it with his. I did so and smiled. It was the first time in a few weeks that we had really gotten to hang out. Too bad it didn't last long.


"All right, future history makers. Welcome to career day. Now there are a lot of ways to make your mark on the world."

Topanga walked into the classroom. "Hi, Riley."

"Oh great, Shakira is here." Riley said sarcastically, before turning to Maya and I. "Where're your parents?"

"My mom won't be coming," Maya said.

"But she told you she was coming."

"Yes, she did."

Riley then turned to me. "What about you, Kenz?"

"He's coming. He promised." I said, looking towards the front of the room.

"Okay, guys, our first guest today is a lawyer, and I likes her. Hey, lawyer lady, how's about we go out sometime? I get off work every day at 3:15... Except Tuesdays. I got playground." I giggled a bit at Mr. Matthews' outburst.

"So I am an attorney. I got here through a lot of hard work in school. By the time I was your age, I had 350 'As." Suddenly someone knocked on the door.

"Your mom, or your dad-- There they are."

Mr. Matthews opened the door to reveal Mr. Minkus, someone I had seen once at my mother's funeral. "Minkus," Matthews said.

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