Ch. 6 My Daughter

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"Tell me what you did to my daughter," my father screamed at Dumbledore.

"She's in a place you won't find until it's too late," Dumbledore said pleasantly. Harry raised his wand to send a spell toward my father as my heart hardened. I stepped in front of my father blocking the spell Harry sent toward him. Pain ripped across my body as fear swam in Dumbledore's blue gaze. At the impact of the spell the glamour placed on me shattered as I crumbled to the floor at the feet of my real father. The room fell silent as all eyes darted to me. I winced at the painfully obliteration of the glamour while my mom's lips parted. I got up slowly while something inside of me snapped. I held out my hand blasting Dumbledore back without my wand.

"I'm done being your pawn!" I growled my dark eyes glaring at the man I used to love. "I know why you wanted me and it wasn't to protect me." I spat as Dumbledore got to his feet slowly.

"It doesn't matter why I took you. I raised you and for that reason you won't turn your back on me," Dumbledore said confidently but I laughed at his stupidity.

"You treated me like dirt under your feet. You even prevented me from attending Hogwarts until fourth year. And even when you let me you forced to sorting hat's hand making it place me in Gryffindor. I've been a Slytherin through and through but because of you I was alone and a part of neither," I screamed tears racing down my cheeks. "I will never forgive the things you have done!" I turned walking away from Dumbledore and to my mother who wrapped her arms around me apperating us away. Once inside the manor I broke down sobbing into my mother's arms while she struggled to calm me.

"It's okay, he can't hurt you here," my mother whispered when Narcissa walked down the stairs. She froze at the sight of me her jaw dropping.

"Nat," she whispered as I wiped my tears off my face.

"Hey aunt Cissy," I said as she walked toward me crouching down in front of me. "Is Dray here?"

"You know Draco?" She questioned as I nodded.

"He's been my best friend since I started Hogwarts," I said as both my mother and aunt listened intently to me.

"Who were you?" She asked as I frowned.

"Ashley," I said as anger flashed in her eyes.

"You've been with Dumbledore this entire time?" She asked as I nodded.

"Yeah unfortunately," I muttered bitterly.

"How did you do that thing with your hand?" My mother asked as I reached into my pocket handing her the prophecy sphere.

"It had my name on it. I didn't realize it was my name until Uncle Lucius said only Harry and Dad could touch the prophecy about them," I said softly. My mother focused on the prophecy her eyes widening in shock. "In case you were wondering which side I'm picking, I am picking yours."

My head turned toward the crack of apperation. There stood my father as my breath hitched. He rushed toward me stopping a few feet from me.

"Nat," he whispered as I smiled at him.

"Daddy," I said seconds before his arms wrapped around me holding me close. I missed his embrace even when I didn't remember him. He stroked my cheek gently as I gave him a weak smile.

"My little Death Eater is home," he grinned as I nodded.

"Where's Nagini?" I asked as a snake slithered into the room at the sound of her name. I got onto the floor throwing my arms around the snake like I used to as a toddler. Nagini curled around me resting her head on my shoulder.

"I've missed you," my mother whispered as I smiled at her.

"I missed you too Mommy," tears collected in her eyes as she threw her arms around me. I leaned into her touch with a grin. We spent several minutes just in each other's arms before my father started to speak.

"It's late we should probably get some sleep," My father said as I nodded reluctantly.

"Where am I sleeping?" I asked as my mother took my hand leading me to the room right next to hers.

"This room is empty so now it's yours," my mother said with a smile.

"It's beautiful," I said staring at the huge room with a queen bed in the middle with white satin sheets. In the corner was a bookcase and a single chair. On the other wall underneath the window was a mahogany desk.

"I'll let my sister know," she said as I faced her.

"Can you transfigure me pajamas?" I asked as she waved her wand creating lose pants and a tank top. "Thanks mom."

"You're welcome. Can I call you Nat or do you prefer Ashley?" She asked as I took her hand.

"I'm Nat so that's what you will call me," I told her as she caressed my cheek.

"Oh how I thought they killed you. I missed you every day you were gone and the thought of you death nearly drove me insane in Azkaban," my mother said softly with tears glistening in her dark eyes.

"I love you mommy," I said wrapping my arms around her.

"I love you too. If you need anything just call for me or a house elf," my mother said exiting the room. She shut the door behind her before I changed into my pajamas. I crawled into the bed curling up. I was finally home and it felt like this is where I belonged.

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