Ch. 9 The Wand

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Once the light faded both my mother and the store owner shared a look before he bowed before me. My lips parted in shock as my mother walked over to me.

"Baby, no one has ever been able to touch that wand. The wand is the darkest wand to ever have been made. The person who made the wand died from touching the completed wand," she said softly. "Only someone extremely powerful could touch that wand. Not even your father would try to touch that wand."

"But I'm not that powerful. I'm strong surely but powerful enough for a wand like this I think not," I said softly as the store owner stood shaking his head.

"Take the wand," he said firmly before I gripped my mother's arm with my new wand in my hand. She apperated back to Malfoy Manor and the moment we landed she called for my father. My snake slithered off my arm roaming the house while my mother and I waited patiently for my father to arrive.

"Bella," my father's voice rang through the room. I whipped around to face him as his eyes saw the wand gripped firmly in between my fingers. His eyes stared at mine as we both had a silent conversation about the wand and it's danger.

"I didn't know the wand was as dangerous as it was when I broke into the case to get the wand," I said softly as he walked toward me. His hand hovered over the wand as I felt a dark energy rush across my skin. The wand seemed to be protecting itself. "Do you feel that?" I asked him softly.

"I do," he said simply before moving his hand away from me. "And so will the old man when you return to school next year."

"At least he'll know not to mess with me," I said simply as my father grinned at me.

"Oh you get that from your mother," he said with a laugh as my mother stuck her tongue out at my father. He rolled his eyes before he froze hearing another snake voice.

"I may have bought a snake," I said slowly as he faced me.

"You did," he said as I grinned.

"Silvie," I called as the snake slithered into the room and up my body before resting on my arm. "Let's just say both our eyes went red when we met. I planned on a practical pet like an owl."

"She's very nice. Hopefully Nagini doesn't eat her," my father said before turning as he apperated away once more. I sighed before facing my mother.

"Does he always do that?" I asked her as she gave a nod before draping her arm around my shoulders. "That's annoying."

"Indeed it is," my mother said as we walked down the hallway.

"What are the plans for the rest of summer?" I asked her as we walked around the manor aimlessly.

"Cissy is planning a ball that's happening in a few weeks. I got you out of it," my mother said as I stopped moving.

"What is the ball for?" I asked her as she faced me.

"It's just an annual ball she has every summer," my mom said simply.

"What if I want to go?" I asked as a small smirk spread across her lips.

"Planning a statement are we?" She said as I grinned at her.

"I am my father's daughter after all," I said with a laugh.

"I'll arrange to have Cissy pick up a dress for you," my mother said stroking my cheek briefly before her hand rested at her side.

"I love you," I said wrapping my arms around her tightly. I couldn't help but feel anxious that at any moment she could be ripped from me once more and that scared me more than anything. I slipped from her arms after a few minutes before plastering a fake smile on my face before I left her alone in the hallway. I rushed into my room slipping down the wall as a single tear fell down my face. I hadn't realized how broken I was until I let my thoughts run wild through my head. I never felt more confused and hurt than I did right now. I loved my parents but even they couldn't fix the scars left behind by Dumbledore. My magic broke free as my emotions spike shattering a bookshelf. I gasped seeing the books on the floor with wood splinters spread across the room. Instantly my mother burst into the room. Her eyes landed on my as a small gasp escaped her lips. She crouched next to me taking me into her arms gently. She moved slowly unsure what had upset me and didn't want to make the situation worse.

"It's okay baby," she whispered rocking me as I sobbed against her.

"I hate him and god I'm scared," I whimpered as she stiffened. My mother held me closer after those words had passed my lips. "I don't want to lose you guys. I couldn't bare it."

"I promise you Natasha, I won't let that happen," she said forcing me to look into her eyes. "Do you hear me baby?!" I saw her fierce eyes staring into mine showing the love she had for me in her dark gaze.

"I'm sorry for being so pathetic," I mumbled wiping some of the tears away as guilt started to eat at me.

"No sweetie. You aren't pathetic, Dumbledore hurt you and this reaction is expected. I thought this would have happened sooner but you were so strong you held the emotions back until they exploded. Honey, promise me you won't keep your emotions in like this, it isn't healthy," my mother pleaded with me. I gave a small nod unable to verbally say yes. I took a deep breath looking at the mess with a sigh. My mother waved her wand and instantly the mess was gone. She flashed me a smile as I got to my feet.

"Thanks mom," I said as she nodded before leaving me alone once more.

[A/N] sorry for the lack of updates. I've been really busy but I try to update whenever I get time. Hope you like it. I also have a Malfoy story in the works so keep an eye out. I'll let you know when I start publishing that story.

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