Ch. 33 The Girl Who Controlled Death

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I smiled at Umbridge as she took the robe off of her pink outfit. She draped the robe across her office chair before she turned towards me. The walls of her office were a soft pink just like her office at Hogwarts. The images of the cats were cute but it being her office created a weird vibe that I ignored.

"I'm sorry I couldn't free Alecto," she said instantly as I shook my head. I smiled softly at her knowing the regret she felt.

"You tried. My parents aren't unreasonable. As long as you tried they won't fault you for this outcome," I told her leaning against the wall. "I saw how hard you tried," I told her seriously.

"Thank you Miss Riddle," she said in return as I smiled at her. She looked at me for a moment before asking the question that had been lingering in her mind since she heard about the things I could do with my magic. "So what does it feel like to control death?" She asked me as I looked into her blue eyes.

"Exhausting," I said simply. "I slept for a long time after I saved Kyle."

"I'm glad you were successful and you weren't hurt in the process," she said firmly.

"Thank you Delores," I said with a smirk. I decided to shift the topic from my magical abilities to the agreement we had made before everything happened. "Now I know I haven't been able to fulfill my internship obligations but I'd still like to assist if possible," I told her as her eyes widened slightly at the conversation change.

"I assumed you wouldn't want to but I'd love for you to help out," she said when a knock interrupted our conversation. She walked over opening the door to reveal Cornelius Fudge with a bouquet of pink flowers. "Cornelius." Umbridge gasped moving aside to allow him into the office. His eyes landed on me instantly as he handed her the flowers.

"I didn't mean to interrupt your meeting Delores but I wanted to give you the flowers as a thanks for everything you had done for me last year even though I won't be Minister any longer," he said as she gave him the fake sickly sweet smile that she used for people she couldn't stand.

"Thank you Cornelius. I'm sure you have heard of dear Natasha here. She suffered at the hands of the old coot as his daughter Ashley," she told him as I kept a polite smile on my lips.

"It's a pleasure to speak with you under better circumstances Sir," I said softly offering him my hand. He wasted no time shaking my hand before turning his attention back to Delores.

"As I said I just wanted to thank you again before I took off," Cornelius said as she looked at him. "If you would like to get together sometime for tea you can owl me at my residence."

"Of course Cornelius. I wish you nothing but the best," she said following Fudge to the door closing it behind him. I burst out laughing as she shot me a playful glare. "He was insufferable as a prime minister but alas I was required to assist him to support your father's efforts."

"I always knew he didn't have the brains enough for the job. When I was a Dumbledore I saw how much Fudge leaned on Dumbledore until they had a falling out and then Fudge seemed to rely on you," I told her. She nodded setting the flowers on the desk.

"That he did," she said when I felt my father's magic calling to me. I looked at Delores reluctantly telling her that I needed to leave.

"I'm sorry but my father needs me," I sighed as she waved me off. I gave her a smile before I apperated away. I landed in the same room as my father. His eyes found mine as he got to his feet. I could see him hesitant before he finally spoke to me.

"Your mother is leaving to do a lot of missions and won't be here for the rest of the summer," he paused waiting to see a reaction but I stayed calm taking in the information.

"Is that all?" I asked him softly. I would miss my mother but I knew he would ask her to go if it wasn't necessary.

"I'm always busy so I also won't be here much," my father said instantly. I frowned slightly but knew this would happen. I couldn't truly be with my parents until the order was completely crushed.

"I understand," I said softly. "You and mom need to handle certain things so I get it. I'll be okay here. When is she leaving?"

"She'll leave in a few hours," he said as I nodded.

"If it's alright with you I'd like to spend time with her before she leaves," I said my voice filled with emotion; love and sadness.

"That's why I called you home Nat," he said with a smile. I walked forward wrapping my arms around him as he smiled down at me. When we pulled apart he ran his hand through his dark hair fixing the few pieces that had been out of place.

"I'll go find her," I smiled at him before walking out of the room. I reached my parents' room to find her packing a small bag with an extension charm on it. "Hey." My mom whipped around to face me with her signature smirk.

"Hi baby," she said wrapping one arm around me gently. "I assume your father told you."

"Yeah," I said with disappointment leaking into my voice unintentionally.

"I'm sorry," she said instantly causing me to look into her dark eyes.

"It's okay. I get it mom," I said quickly trying to reassure her. "You are the only person who can do whatever dad asked or he wouldn't pick you mom."

"I'm glad you understand," she said pulling me into a tight hug. "You wanna help me finish packing?"

"Sure," I said as she grabbed the supplies she needed while I grabbed her a variety of outfits for any weather condition unsure where she would be staying. Neither of us spoke and instead just enjoyed being next to each other for the time we had left together.

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