Ch. 28 Summer

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After sneaking out of my room leaving Kyle sleeping soundly on my bed I headed downstairs. I used my magic to change my outfit for the day. The silk emerald green gown dragged across the floor while I walked around. I made my way through the halls only slowing when I heard a lot of noise coming from a death eater meeting I hadn't been invited to. I entered the meeting room as everyone looked over at me. My eyes locked on the Professor hovering above the table pleading my Snape to help her.

"We're friends," she sobbed as I rolled my eyes walking over to my father. I kissed his cheek before taking the empty seat beside him. My face was cold as I sat there staring straight ahead while the meeting resumed.

"Avada Kedavra," My father said simply before allowing our pet snakes to eat the Professor. I looked at the ceiling while the two snakes at the body disgusted by the sight of the Professor's body being devoured by Nagini and Silvie. "Now that it's quiet, Severus how are things coming along at Hogwarts?"

"Things are going well. Minerva told me the position of headmaster is mine as long as I take certain measures to protect the students from harm," Snape said as our eyes found each other across the table.

"Of course you'll keep the school relatively the same just without targeting my daughter," my father said calmly without looking away from Snape.

"I don't think Harry or his friends will return to Hogwarts this year. I believe Dumbledore tasked them with something but I'm not sure what," I said simply as all eyes fell to me. "I can try and find out for you. I'm sure Professor McGonagall knows and would tell me if I asked given how little she likes Dumbledore currently."

"That would be lovely Natasha," he said as I smiled at him.

"My Lord, if you'll excuse me I must be off to pick up a few of Draco's friends from the train," Cissy said getting to her feet before she apperated away.

"Where are we on the ministry front?" My father asked as everyone in the room laughed. I looked right at my uncle who helped us gain control of the ministry.

"The only thing we aren't sure of at the moment is Harry's whereabouts as they will most likely move him soon," my uncle said as my mother frowned. "I don't think they trust the ministry at the moment."

"As I said I'll see Professor McGonagall about this matter shortly and report back," I said as my father nodded.

"You may go Nat," my father said causing me to apperate to Hogwarts instantly. I knew many of the Professors were keeping a permanent residence at Hogwarts since the fall of Dumbledore. I landed just outside of the school grounds before walking onto the grounds. I headed into the school slowly. The school felt different. The air was heavy with the loss of the headmaster. Most of the Professors didn't know how cruel the headmaster was and so they mourned him, I mourned him despite the things he had done to me. I shoved my feelings to the side as I ignored the change in the school. I made my way to Minerva's office without slowing. I knocked on her door waiting patiently for her to let me into her office.

"Natasha," she gasped when the door opened. I smiled wrapping my arms around her. Her arms held me tightly against her. "I was worried that you'd been hurt during the invasion."

"Nope. My father sent several death eaters to act as bodyguards for me," I said simply as I walked further into her office.

"So what brings you here Miss Riddle?" She asked as I took a breath.

"I have a question about Harry. What does Dumbledore have him working on this year?" I asked her softly as she froze. I could see the indecision in her eyes as she fought herself trying to decide if she should answer the question.

"He wants Harry to find things, six important things to your father and destroy them. He thinks your father cannot die until that happens," Minerva said after a moment. My eyes widened slightly at her comment as I tried to figure out what that meant.

"Do you know what things and why?" I asked her as she shook her head.

"He only truly trusted Harry with this knowledge," she said simply as I nodded.

"I'll speak with my father about this," I told her. "Do you know about Harry being moved?"

"No I don't. Only those helping know those details to minimize risk to Harry," she said as I sighed.

"Thank you for telling me," I told her with a smile. I turned to exit her office only for her to call out.

"Natasha," I looked back at her quickly. "I need you to promise me that you'll try to save Harry. He has been misguided as we all were about your father. He doesn't deserve to die for trusting Dumbledore."

"I'll try but from what I have seen he's too far gone. He watched Dumbledore use the Cruciatus Curse on me with a sick smile on his face so I may no be able to get Harry to see reason," I said firmly. Minerva's eyes filled with sadness at my statement.

"That's all I can ask of anyone," she said softly as I flashed her a small smile.

"I'll be returning to Hogwarts this year and I'm excited because I don't have to be afraid anymore," I said to her. "Would it be possible to get resorted? I don't think I was meant to be in Gryffindor no matter how much I love you."

"We can see if the hat will allow a resorting but there isn't much I can do beyond that," she said simply.

"Thank you Professor," I said to her. "I should get going, students aren't meant to be here during the summer." I turned to walk out only for Minerva to speak once more.

Her voice was firm and serious as she spoke to me. "Don't waste your summer away. Things are coming and I'm afraid things won't be the same once school starts back up. Enjoy the summer because the battle is coming and there isn't much any of us can do to prevent it." I gave her one last glance before I left her office making my way back to the Manor quickly.

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