i'm feeling resistance

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kate realized their relationship was falling apart after seven months. oliver was a man who enjoyed sex, kate, on the other hand, did not. she simply didn't find the act enjoyable. she had sex with oliver about three times and she made it clear to him after the third time that she would not do it anymore.

it made her uncomfortable and in pain, she didn't like the feeling of his skin hot and sticky against hers, she didn't feel any arousal at the sight of him bare and lying next to her.

was it normal to feel this way? or was it unnatural and unacceptable? but either way, oliver was getting antsy and rather desperate for physical contact.

he nudged her, wrapping his arm around her waist, moving upwards slowly. "oliver." she warned. his finger brushed against her breast lightly. she grabbed his wrist, "oliver we talked about this."

his eyebrows furrowed in irritation, "can't you give in once? you're such a prude sometimes." kate recoiled, upset. "i told you i don't like it. it doesn't do anything except make me feel uncomfortable! if you want sex so much maybe you should go find one or your fangirls!"


kate sighed into her pillow. she had avoided oliver yesterday during dinner and today at breakfast. what time was it? well seeing as it was lunch and they had their free period after he might be in the library studying...

she hopped up, she should go apologize she decided. however, upon arriving at the library, she did not like the sight she saw.

emily woodley from ravenclaw was with him, smiling adoringly up at him. she was a huge fan of oliver's quidditch skills. the disturbing thing was that oliver was smiling back at her, even as her hands trailed the expanse of his arm. she bristled before brushing the alarm bells to the back of her head.

"oliver can we talk?"


"i'm really sorry for snapping at you. i just... i really don't feel comfortable with sex." oliver stared at her for a while before smiling, "fine." he opened his arms for a hug and she obliged, sliding her arms around him, taking in his familiar scent.

while almost everything was familiar about the hug, his arms around her felt stiff, his body not curving around her, she felt... resistance from him towards her.

emily //oliver wood & percy weasley//Where stories live. Discover now