Chapter Nine

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*this part plays out a little differently than in the show but go with it haha*


I go to my closet to find something to wear. I don't want to make a bad impression of me because of my arms to Olivia or any of Cesar's friends, so I'll go with a long sleeve or a sweater. I hope his friends don't know that I tried to kill myself, or the rest of school for that matter. God I'm really a nut case, now that's another reason why I won't have any friends.

I grab a white long sleeve crop top with some high waisted Levi shorts. I grab a black belt just to make the outfit look more styled and classy. I grab my black high top vans to pair with the outfit. It looks pretty good so I put it on.

I walk over to my bed and grab my phone. I have a text from Cesar and it says that he's outside. I grab a hair tie incase I need it and leave my room. Per usual Javier isn't home so I lock the door behind me when I leave. I find Cesar sitting on the porch steps and he stands up once he hears me.

"Hey, you ready?" he asks.

"Yeah, can't wait to meet Olivia," I say as we start walking towards Ruby's house. He only lives about two blocks away from me.

"She's really nice, I think you two would get along great," he says.

"I hope so, this could be my first shot at actually making a friend," I chuckle.

"You don't have friends?" Cesar asks.

"Of course I don't, everyone is too afraid of my stupid brother. I've never had any friends," I sigh. He wraps his arm around me.

"I'll be your friend," he smiles. I laugh and put my arm around him.

"Thanks Cesar," I say. The rest of the walk is silent, but it's a comfortable silence. Once we near Ruby's house Cesar takes his arm off of me. Of course we aren't an actual thing yet so I get it. It also might be a little risky right now to be seen all touchy in public. Even though on the walk here we had our arms around each other.

We walk up the front steps and Cesar opens the door to Ruby's house. They are best friends, I don't see why he would knock. We go inside and everyone is at the kitchen table yelling at each other. Monse turns around and immediately looks at Cesar. "You kissed Olivia?!" she yells at him.

"Is it true?" Ruby yells. Everyone is staring dead at Cesar and I look at him in shock.

"Yeah," he says slowly.

"Wait, is he the guy?" Olivia asks Monse.

"This isn't about me. It's about Ruby he's in love with Olivia," Monse snaps.

"What guy?" I ask looking at Monse and then at Cesar.

"Can we all just take a moment to appreciate the fact that I for once was able to keep a secret?" Jamal asks ecstatic.

"You knew?" everyone yells at him. Then everyone starts to yell at each other. My heart starts racing thinking about what Olivia said and what Monse said.

"What guy, what is Monse talking about, Cesar?" I ask him.

"I-I don't know, Rosalina," he tries to put his hand on my arm. I smack his hand and take a step back.

"Don't touch me, what is she talking about?" I yell at him. He looks at me and then a voice talks over everyone.

"Y'all messed up," Spooky says coming out from nowhere. He looks over at Cesar and then sees me. It feels like my heart stops beating and fear fills my chest. "We got business," he says to Cesar and walks toward us. I don't dare move a muscle as does no one else in the room. They already know about both of our families.

The room is dead silent, waiting to see what Spooky will do to me since I'm Javier's sister and I'm standing next to Cesar. "What are you doing here?" he asks me slowly. Something inside of me snaps and I decide to get brave all of a sudden.

"I was just leaving, puta," I spit. I look at Cesar before walking out of the house, slamming the door behind me. Cesar definitely has some explaining to do. To all Monse, Olivia, and I. I'm not so sure about Olivia but definitely Monse.


It's the next day and I'm walking over to Monse's house as of this moment. I asked Monse, Olivia, and Cesar if we could meet there so we could all talk. Everyone agreed and now we're meeting. I approach Monse's house and knock on her door. She opens it and I see that everyone's in her living room, including Jamal and Ruby.

"Olivia told them," she rolls her eyes. I nod and walk inside. I see Cesar and he looks at me. I break away from my gaze and sit down opposite from him.

"I suppose Cesar should explain himself," I say looking at my hands.

"He really should," Monse snarls. Then she looks at me. "Wait, why are you here? You aren't in this," she asks me.

"Cesar and I have had a thing for awhile, we just weren't public for obvious reasons," I say looking at him. He looks like he's about to interject.

"Wait for how long?" she asks looking at me. This is a little weird.

"I guess we've technically been seeing each other since the beginning of this summer," I say. Her face drops.

"What?!" she yells looking at Cesar.

"What?" Ruby and Jamal say at the same time. Cesar puts his head in his hands as if he's been caught.

"What?" I ask confused.

"What do you mean seeing each other? When did this happen?" Monse asks me.

"At first we just started hooking up I guess, and like the day after school got out, why?" I ask slowly, growing more confused.

"You are un-fucking-believable, Cesar," Monse yells at him.

"What? I'm so confused," I ask. She looks at me with tears in her eyes.

"Cesar and I had sex before I left for summer camp. Which would be like a week after school got out," she says. My heart drops and my head starts spinning.

"You what?!" Ruby yells, "why didn't you tell us?!"

"What?" I ask looking at Cesar. He looks at me and stands up. I stand up and I have to hold onto the couch for support. "How could you?" I whisper shaking my head.

"No, it wasn't like that," he says looking at me.

"What do you mean? You've been acting all lovey dovey toward me ever since we became friends again!" Monse exclaims.

"Y-you kept seeing her?" I whisper. I can't even think straight, my head hurts. It feels like I can't breathe. Just when things were going so well. Why do I have to be punished? I turn around and start heading for the door. I feel Cesar put his hand on my arm to stop me. A single tear falls down my face and I turn to look at him.

"Just leave me alone, you should've just left me to die!" I snap. I see shock on everyone's faces and I turn and run out of Monse's house. There goes any shot of me being friends with them. Maybe this is a sign, a sign that I truly have no purpose. I may have failed once, but I truly have nobody now. Not even Cesar.

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