Cindy likes Mathew

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How did Mathew and Cindy meet, well they kind of knew each other since last year threw a friend but he never actually really talked to her because he was mostly with Elizabeth and was blinded by her and so he never noticed how nice, funny, beautiful,and smart she was. They seemed to get along well and talk a lot. Already certain friends started shipping them together like how other people did with him and Elizabeth... This is because they already were hugging but that was just as friends... Mathew kept Wondering to him self if he should tell her he liked her, but he was to afraid of what the outcome would be considering the last time he liked a girl. An hour later Cindy asked Mathew what she should do because she liked this one guy but an other girl liked him as well, and that she thinks he likes a different girl. So he gave her some advice and she said " you, i like you Mathew", and by that note thats when Mathew told her he liked her as well. They talked about it for a little bit then Mathew all of a sudden said " wait an other girl likes me?" Cindy said "yes, but im not telling you who" Mathew asked "do i know them?" Cindy said "yes you do" so at that point Mathew was wondering to him self who it might be. The only problem was that he mostly he hung out with all girls and there was a particular group of girls he hung out with and so it could have been anyone of them besides Elizabeth. He so confused on who it might be...

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