An Other Family Issue

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Days went by untill it was Mathew nephews 1st Birthday, it was going well for the most part everybody was having fun, Mathew was watching a anime that Elizabeth got him into it was called "Fairy Tail", The kids were running around and the adults were talking. Then all of a sudden, Mathews oldest brother that was 29 and his sister's boyfriend started fighting, Once Mathew noticed he got up off the couch and pulled his brother back and pushed him onto the couch and screamed "YOU NEED TO STOP" and everyone tries to tell Mathew its ok and that they'll deal with it, and Matthew yells "NO ITS NOT, HE ALWAYS DOES THIS" and what Mathew means by that is that his older brother is always getting into a fight and a lot of times it was with his family members, his brother wasn't much of the brother that you would look up to because he has been in jail multiple times, he has done so much stupid stuff, he would fight with there dad and other family members but they all still deep down still love him I guess because he was family. Mathew then hugs his mom, Mathews mom tells him that the reason he was doing that was because Mathews sister's boyfriend was disrespecting Mathews mom, Matthew says "Still it shouldn't mean he should start a fight" and so with that his mom lets go and then he hugs his aunt and his mom yelled "look at what you did to your little brother, he's crying" Then a few minutes past and all of a sudden his brother starts fighting with their dad for like the 100th time and his brother says "Your not my father" Mathew was even more mad and he just didn't want to deal with all this and so he asks his aunt if she can take him with her and she said yes and that she would drop him back off on Thanksgiving which was in a week, and so after they calmed the situation down they left...

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