The Long Winding Road

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2 days later, and after the blood transfusion had taken place, Lexi slowly began to wake up.

Lexi: Ugh... god, my head...

She slowly turned her head to her left and noticed her boyfriend was still asleep. As she slowly began to get to her feet, she felt a bit dizzy as she slowly staggered towards Josh.

Lexi: Please come back, Josh, we all need you... I need you...

Lexi couldn't help but break down and cry silently at the sight of her boyfriend in this condition. Still on IV's and drips and all sorts of different machines wired into him, but at least there was no tube in his mouth anymore, a sure sign that Josh was slowly recovering. Lexi then grabbed his hand and held it close to her. After a while, she went to go back to her own bed but she noticed Josh wasn't letting go.

Lexi: Joshy?

He still wasn't letting go, if anything the grip was tightening. Right on cue, the doctor arrived.

Doctor: Miss Kaufman, are you okay?

Lexi: It's Josh... I-I think he's waking up.

The doctor saw the grip she was in and she was actually right, Josh was waking up. He groaned as he felt pain all around his body, but felt it go away once he saw Lexi by his side. She was now crying tears of happiness. She could barely believe her man had pulled through.

Lexi: Oh my god, Joshy!!!

She hugged him tightly and he slowly hugged her back, without trying to cause himself too much pain.

Josh: Oh, god... what the heck happened? Where am I?

Doctor: I think it's best if your lady friend explained.

The doctor then left, leaving Josh and Lexi alone.

Josh: What happened, Lexi?

Lexi: You were hit by a car, at some speed too. You had really bad injuries, like a broken elbow, for which you had surgery for, a punctured lung and a broken ankle.

Josh: Whoa... sounds pretty bad. Still doesn't really explain why you're dressed like that though.

They both laughed slightly as Lexi then carried on.

Lexi: Apparently... y-you almost died during surgery because of the main problem... you lost a lot of blood in the crash. You needed a blood transfusion before today otherwise... you w-wou-wouldn't be here. You've helped me so many times in the past... so I figured it was time I helped you. So I gave you some of my blood, considering we're the same blood group.

Josh: Wow... I dunno what to say... you basically saved my life, Lexi. I literally can't repay you enough for that...

Lexi: As long as you're still here, with me, that's good enough for me. I love you too much to lose you... I can't imagine life without you, you make me so happy...

She cried into Josh's shoulder as he wrapped his good arm around her.

Josh: And you make me happy. You make me more than happy. You make me the happiest person in the world, full stop.

Lexi smiled at his statement and kissed him gently.

Josh: I don't really remember the crash itself, but I do remember what caused it, it was a side impact with a car who ran a red light, and the car looked familiar. The only faces I remember seeing before I blacked out was one I never want to see again... it was... Murphy and Natasha...

Lexi scolded at the mention of their names and figured that they were behind this. She gently stroked his hair as she spoke.

Lexi: I swear to god, I am going to kill Natasha...

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