Something Memorable

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It was now December 24th. Lexi was now just shy of being 7 months pregnant and now her bump had grown massively. She was struggling to get around more and more, and Josh was now tending to her every move. He had also invited the gang over to stay with him during the festive period, with Seth and Sasha coming today and the others coming tomorrow.

Lexi: Ugh I can barely move... this pregnancy is killing me...

Josh: Just think... in 2 months time it will definitely have been worth it.

Lexi: I hope this is the first of many...

Josh's eyes lit up at what she had just said.

Josh: First of many? You mean you want more than one baby?

Lexi: Yeah, I've always wanted a big family, so I always said to myself I'd want 4 or 5 kids.

Josh looked surprised at first but then looked quite happy.

Josh: Hey, whatever you want baby.

Lexi then whimpered for a split second as she felt something.

Josh: What was that?

Lexi: He just kicked.

She knew the baby had been kicking for a couple of months, but this would be the first time Josh would feel it. She grabbed his hand, put it on her bump and waited for another kick, and when it came, Josh was in awe.

Josh: Wow... this is a Christmas present for both of us from this little one...

Lexi teared up and kissed her fiance, then slowly got up and went for a shower. As she was in there, the doorbell rang.

Lexi: Could you get that babe?!

Josh went downstairs, and answered the door to see Seth and Sasha.

Josh: Hey guys, you're early! We weren't expecting you till later!

Seth: Well, we thought the traffic would be bad, so we left early.

Sasha: So, where is she?

Josh: In the shower, come on in, she'll be down in a bit.

As Seth and Sasha went inside, he also noticed a large parcel outside, with his name on it. With nobody else in sight, he took hold of the box and took it inside. As he put it down, he noticed something else written on the side.

Josh, don't open this until Christmas Day.

Josh was curious as to what was in this box, as well as who it was from.

Sasha: I noticed that as we were outside, know anything about it?

Josh: Not a clue...

As all three gathered around the box, Lexi made her way downstairs and looked at the three of them.

Lexi: Hey guys, what's that?

Seth: This was left for Josh on your doorstep. It was there when we got here. It just said not to open it until Christmas Day.

Josh: Whatever it is, it's pretty heavy!

Seth: Anyway you ok, Lexi?

Lexi: Yeah I'm good, just this little one causing a few issues!

Sasha: Aww, he's gonna be adorable I know it.

Just as they made their way to the living room, Comet, Izzy, Teddy and Larry Steve came to join them.

Seth: I like your husky, he's cute!

Lexi: He was a birthday present, his name's Comet.

Sasha: Hey, Comet! You're beautiful!

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